Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 1 - A New Beginning!

Yes...I know I have come to this same crossroad every year and I truly have failed miserably most years. I have no choice but to lose the weight this year and lower my cholesterol. I do not want to go on medicine for my cholesterol so I must change my eating habits and exercise.
As we all know I love to eat and I don't like to exercise but if I get my first discipline right this one will be a breeze! My first and foremost "resolution" or discipline is to die to myself and be totally Christ centered. This is the truly hard one for me, I am totally self-centered right now and that is not a good place for me to be.
I have set mini goals for myself as it pertains to my Weight Watchers Journey. They are as follows:
1. 10 pounds lost by the end of January
2. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of February
3. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of March
4. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of April
5. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of May
6. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of June
7. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of July
8. And so forth until I lose a total of 60 pounds.
I will come up with cool rewards for myself and I walk this journey and none of the rewards will be food of any kind!! If anyone has any ideas for my rewards just let me know.
I have started off pretty good with regards to Weight Watchers. I actually got up and ate breakfast this morning and I have already had three 8 oz. glasses of water so far. My main goal in regards to what I eat is to add more fruits and veggies and eat breakfast every day. I do have to cut out fried foods in order to lower my cholesterol.
It is time to close out this first blog of my journey and get on with the actual journey!
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Only in His strength, I will do this one day at a time!


HRM said...

Hey girl! I love your blog! Comment on my always! I hope your journey goes as you plan and I will be praying for you! Much love, Abbs

HRM said...

I didn't even know you had pictures at the end of your blog! And then when I looked I saw your family picture and me! I love the picture of the both of us, we both look so beautiful. I will always treasure this picture. Love ya!