Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 22 - Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Vivian!! Birthdays are always a wonderful time to remember our friends and just what they mean to us. Vivian you are such a special part of my life and I truly cannot think about what my life would be like if I had never met you. I am thankful that God had it planned from the beginning of time that we should be friends.

Yesterday was a good day, I was back among the living and I was a good girl as far as WW goes. I was able to get back on plan and journal to keep track of my points. I was way under my points yesterday but I didn't want to go home late last night and load up on food and then go right to bed. If I had gotten in all of my points that is exactly what I would have had to do. I am thankful that I did not do that but I have been known in the past to do just that. I am a night eater and I try to save as many points for the nighttime as I can. I have to stop doing that, it is not good to eat so much at night. I need to really eat more at breakfast and not as much at supper.

My stats for today are:

weight: 202
body fat: 47%
body hydration: 35.5%

It is not looking like I will reach my goal of 10 pounds down by the end of January but 8 pounds is within my grasp and I will be grateful for that. I am really looking forward to being below 200 pounds. By God grace and His power I will never see 200 pounds again!

Resting in Him,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Glad that you are feeling much better!