Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 30

I still have one more day to reach my January goal and I have decided not to worry about it. If it is God's will for me to lose 10 pounds this month, I will. I can't change it anyway so why waste time worrying about it or being discouraged! Although, it does look like I will reach my goal but nothing is for sure until tomorrow (the last day of the month).

Of course my official weigh day will be Friday which is February 1st but that is OK too! I will be happy with a one or two pound loss this week. I don't want to keep pulling big numbers each week because I tend to do the yo-yo thing when I do the big numbers. Way down one week but back up the next is not the way I want to walk this journey.

I am really enjoying the Beth Moore Bible Study that we are doing on Sunday mornings. However, in my heart I had agreed to get on my face before God everyday and I have not done that yet. I really need to spend time with God on my face, not only for my Bible study but for my life in general and especially for the weight loss journey that I will be on for the rest of my life!

My stats for today are:

weight: 200.8
body fat: 47%
body hydration 36%

As you can see by my weight today I am only 6/10th's of a pound away from my 10 pound goal. We will just have to wait until tomorrow to see how this adventure will play out!!

Trusting Him for everything,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Hey! I knew you could do it (of course with God's help)! Love ya oodles and boodles! XOXOX