Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 31 - The end of my first month back!

Well, I know you are all wondering if I made my goal this month or not...I did not! I did lose 9 pounds this month though and that ain't too shabby! But tomorrow is another day and it is my real weigh in day so maybe tomorrw will bring the 10 pound loss I'm looking for. Either way, Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!

My stats for today are:

weight: 201.2
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 37%

This is a total of 16 pounds that I have lost since I started trying to lose weight last year. It has taken a long time to get here because I started last May! This is a journey and sometimes it can be slow going when you are climbing up the mountain but then again it can be quick when you are sliding down that mountain! I just want the journey to bring honor and glory to my God.

I just have to tell about a small victory that I had last night. We went to McDonalds with the Borns and Gary Stevens last night after church. Everyone of the Borns had some kind of ice cream. Boy did Deon and I both want some but...we both resisted, I was so proud of us. That could have only been accomplished by the power of God!

Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement.

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