Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 12 - Mission Arlington Day!

I went with the youth to Mission Arlington today. Wow, what a workout. We moved heavy boxes of canned goods. First we were in a big container and we were moving the boxes from the front of the container to the back of the container. It was real interesting navigating it there. The passage way was very small with a big wall of boxed canned goods on both sides. We only had to move one side. Before we were finished with our work Heather (our guide) came and asked us if we would go and help unload a truck with another group. So off we went with the other group and knocked out the truck in about 30 minutes. It was such a great day but I know I am going to be so sore tomorrow! I am counting this as my workout today. We did this for about 2 hours and at low intensity that calculated out to be 6 activity points! That makes up for the 1 activity point that I got yesterday.

Last night was wonderful! The men of the church did such a good job preparing supper for us. Scott broke out his and Kristy's china and we dined in style. I ate a little bit of everything and only went over my points by 3. I don't think that was too bad considering!!

My stats for today are:

weight: 203.8
body fat: 46.5%
body hydration: 36%

I think right now I am going to post this real quick and then take some ibuprofen and go lay down for a little while. When I get up it is time to study my Sunday School lesson.

Getting sore but feeling great,

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