Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 13 - Sunday, January 13, 2008

Praise the Lord it is Sunday. It is time to go and worship our Lord and Savior with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I love Sundays!

I knew this was coming...I put on a pound since yesterday. But I am not surprised, I have eaten out a lot this week and even though I stay within my points or close to it the richer food does take a toll. Or another possibility is that I have been working with weights and did a lot of lifting yesterday at Mission Arlington as well and muscle weighs more that fat. What ever the case I am not going to let it get me down or stop me like I have in the past. God and I are in this together and He will not leave me or fail me. He will be faithful to our journey. I can't say that I always will be because I know me! Then He will gently remind me that we are supposed to be on a journey together and I will get back on board!

My stats today are:

weight: 204.8
body fat: 43.5%
body hydration: 39%

Because my body fat has gone down today that really points to the building muscle theory as to why I gained a pound. I think that is the more likely reason. That is really encouraging because muscle also burns more calories too!

Not giving up and keeping my eyes of Jesus,

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