Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 29

Yesterday was better but still not perfect. I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things completely! I went over my points by 3 yesterday but I did get 2 activity points. So, really I was only over my points by 1. The point is that I should not have been over at all and I should not have eaten the Cheerios Mix stuff that I did last night while watching TV. But, today is a new day and I have to give it to God. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to give my day to Him, I am such an idolater at time.

My stats for today are:

weight: 202.2
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 37.5%

I guess I am letting myself get depressed because it looks like I am not going to reach my goal of 10 pounds gone in January. I just have to remember that no matter if I do or not I have still lost 15 pounds since I started trying. I was 217.2 and today I am 202.2, that isn't too bad!

Struggling to give it to God,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Hey! Don't get discourage now! You can still make your 10pounds...dream the impossible!

Much love,
