Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 4 - Road blocks!

Yesterday did not go as I had planned! Road block ahead...a headache! I was unable to exercise yesterday due to a headache. I took all kinds of meds for it but it just would not let go of my head. I didn't let that derail me as I have in the past. I got up this morning and exercised for 30 minutes. I am so anxious to really get into exercising but I'm taking it slow and stead just as my doctor told me to do because of the irregular heart beat.

My stats for today are:

weight: 208.2
body fat: 48%
body hydration: 35%

Now, if you look at my stats my weight is going down but my body fat is going up and my hydration is going down! I know that Satan is trying to discourage me because I have stopped eating high fat foods and I am exercising, my body fat should be going down. I have been drinking a lot more water so my hydration should be going up. However, I am not going to let Satan win this time. I am going to keep trusting in the Lord and He will see me through this journey. I won't let Satan's road blocks stop me, I will push through them and be stronger for it.

I did stay within my points yesterday but I only had 2 servings of fruits and veggies. I really have to work on eating more of those things. I had my twelve 8oz. glasses of water as well.

Now I must go and finish getting ready for this beautiful day that God has given me. Until tomorrow...


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