Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day 8 - 4 pounds gone!

It is official...I have lost 4 pounds in this first week of my beginning again journey. Praise God, I could not have done this without His power and strength. It does feel good to know that I am being obedient with what I eat and how much I am moving. God is so good!

I got all smiley faces again yesterday! For you that do not know what I'm talking about let me explain. On the WW website I track everything. When I get in enough servings of water or fruits and veggies or milk products and so on a smiley face appears. My goal is to get smiley faces everyday.

I have even already gotten up this morning and done my exercises. I started to talk myself out of it because my neck was a little stiff but God help me push through that and exercise anyway. Guess what, my neck isn't stiff anymore!

My stats for today are:

weight: 206.4 pounds
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 36.5%

The only moving I did yesterday was to get 7500 steps in for an activity point of 1. I am not going to complain because that was better than no activity point at all. I am setting a goal of at least 1 activity point everyday.

So my new mini goals for each day are 1. to get smiley faces on all my servings of everything and 2. get at least 1 activity goal everyday. Again, please know that I cannot do this on my own, I can only do this with God's strength pulling me through.

Celebrating a weight loss of 4 pounds today and praising Him for it,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Congrats! Once again I am so proud of you! Through all this discipline, you are also learning to depend on God...how Divine!