Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 5 continued - Exercise Journal

Well I wanted to do something different for exercise today and God answered my prayer. I didn't go outside to walk but I did the next best thing. I strapped on my pedometer and walked laps inside my house. I grabbed some weights on some of the laps and did bicep curls, tricep work and other fun weight stuff. I made ten laps at a time and used my weights in between, along with working on some balance while doing the bicep curls! I am so pumped and excited about the exercise. I know that this is just the honeymoon stage and I will get tired of the exercising soon enough. I am trying to do different things to keep that from happening too soon.

I did this walking routine for 50 minutes at a moderate speed. My pedometer said that I walked 1.3 miles in that time. That earned me 3 activity points. I know that I could have walked farther if I had just went to the park and walked but it was fun adding all the weights and stuff that I really couldn't do at the park.

Feeling good,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Good job! I did read all of your blogs that you wrote! I am so proud of you, keep going strong! Thanks for letting me spend the ya!