Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 24

This has been an incredibly busy week! The only evening that I will be home this whole week will be Saturday night. I could go with the Jr. High for their night out with the youth group Saturday evening but I really need a relaxing evening at home! I am looking forward to cooking my family a good dinner, the only one this week!

I have done well this week as it relates to food because I have been so busy that there has been no time to even think about food. I have been eating late every night so I didn't want to eat much and I have been under my points all week long by about 3 to 6 points a day. That is probably why I have lost as much weight this week as I have. However, because it has been such a busy week I have not gotten in any exercise at all. There have been no activity points at all this week.

I feel I am starting to change my relationship with food. I have always bowed down to food and loved it like a god. This has been my greatest sin, the sin of idolatry. I am being compelled by the Holy Spirit each new day to leave my idol and offer myself to my One True God! I don't live to eat as much anymore. I eat to live so I can worship and serve my Lord with all that I am. I know there will be times that my flesh will rebel but right now I am on the road of obedience. I can only stay on this road as long and I am relying on God and allowing His strength to flow through me. I want my body and my life to be a sweet smelling aroma and sacrifice for the One who made me and loves me more than I can ever imagine.

My stats for today is:

weight: 200.6
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

I am looking forward to my new Bible Study on Thursday evenings with the ladies at church. I have always longed to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman. I want the Holy Spirit to change me to be more like her and if I am more like her I will be becoming more like Jesus!

Feeling loved and loving my Savior,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Have fun at the Bible study!