Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 10 - Keeping self out of the way of seeing God's face!

In my devotion this morning I read an incredible quote by A. W. Tozer. "Self is the opaque veil that hides the face of God from us." When I read that I realized it was so true and I have let myself be that opaque veil and not be able to see the face of God. That saddens my heart but I must press on, ask forgiveness and take self away so I can see the beautiful face of God. This is a daily struggle that I have! I let "me" get in the way of truly spending time with God and worshiping Him and Him only. When you let self get in the way that is idolatry, my biggest sin problem!

Praise God, He is patient and loving with me. God will help me to die to self and take up Christ's cross and follow Him. That is my prayer this morning and this afternoon and this evening! It has to be an ongoing prayer request for me.

As far as WW goes, I had a really incredible day. I went to the church and worked with Pastor Bob and he took Haddie and me to lunch. I was able to make a wise choice of taco salad and I think that was the best taco salad I have ever eaten! I didn't even have to salt the salad at all. Salting a salad is how I can handle a salad without salad dressing. I was amazed, the meat was seasoned just right and no salt was needed. Then, yesterday being Wednesday we went out to eat after church. We went to Wendy's and I had a baked potato plan with just a little bit of butter (2pts. worth) and a bowl of chili. It was great! I realized I still needed one serving of fruit or veggies so Vivian bought me some mandarin oranges before we left Wendy's.

The eating department was right on and I didn't go over my points but I only got 1 activity point for the day. I had really wanted to get in 10,000 steps but it only ended up being 7200 steps. I thought it was odd that I got and even number of steps but I guess if you do this long enough that will happen!!

My stats for the day are:

weight: 204.6
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

My prayer is that I will continue to take this one day at a time and not let myself get in the way. I will always only be able to do this by the power of God.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus,

1 comment:

HRM said...

Good job on making right choices! I am so proud. Maybe you can read my message when I am done but I am not sure. Well, see how good I write it...haha Hugs and kisses!