Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 31 - The end of my first month back!

Well, I know you are all wondering if I made my goal this month or not...I did not! I did lose 9 pounds this month though and that ain't too shabby! But tomorrow is another day and it is my real weigh in day so maybe tomorrw will bring the 10 pound loss I'm looking for. Either way, Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!

My stats for today are:

weight: 201.2
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 37%

This is a total of 16 pounds that I have lost since I started trying to lose weight last year. It has taken a long time to get here because I started last May! This is a journey and sometimes it can be slow going when you are climbing up the mountain but then again it can be quick when you are sliding down that mountain! I just want the journey to bring honor and glory to my God.

I just have to tell about a small victory that I had last night. We went to McDonalds with the Borns and Gary Stevens last night after church. Everyone of the Borns had some kind of ice cream. Boy did Deon and I both want some but...we both resisted, I was so proud of us. That could have only been accomplished by the power of God!

Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 30

I still have one more day to reach my January goal and I have decided not to worry about it. If it is God's will for me to lose 10 pounds this month, I will. I can't change it anyway so why waste time worrying about it or being discouraged! Although, it does look like I will reach my goal but nothing is for sure until tomorrow (the last day of the month).

Of course my official weigh day will be Friday which is February 1st but that is OK too! I will be happy with a one or two pound loss this week. I don't want to keep pulling big numbers each week because I tend to do the yo-yo thing when I do the big numbers. Way down one week but back up the next is not the way I want to walk this journey.

I am really enjoying the Beth Moore Bible Study that we are doing on Sunday mornings. However, in my heart I had agreed to get on my face before God everyday and I have not done that yet. I really need to spend time with God on my face, not only for my Bible study but for my life in general and especially for the weight loss journey that I will be on for the rest of my life!

My stats for today are:

weight: 200.8
body fat: 47%
body hydration 36%

As you can see by my weight today I am only 6/10th's of a pound away from my 10 pound goal. We will just have to wait until tomorrow to see how this adventure will play out!!

Trusting Him for everything,

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 29

Yesterday was better but still not perfect. I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things completely! I went over my points by 3 yesterday but I did get 2 activity points. So, really I was only over my points by 1. The point is that I should not have been over at all and I should not have eaten the Cheerios Mix stuff that I did last night while watching TV. But, today is a new day and I have to give it to God. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to give my day to Him, I am such an idolater at time.

My stats for today are:

weight: 202.2
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 37.5%

I guess I am letting myself get depressed because it looks like I am not going to reach my goal of 10 pounds gone in January. I just have to remember that no matter if I do or not I have still lost 15 pounds since I started trying. I was 217.2 and today I am 202.2, that isn't too bad!

Struggling to give it to God,

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 28 - Having to start over!

To say that this weekend was difficult would be putting it mildly. I allowed myself to over indulge and I now have to pay for it. I didn't drink all of my water and I think that is what is making me feel the yuckiest! I have started to crave water and if you know me, I never in a million years would have thought that possible!

I'm glad that my God is a God of second chances within my 13, 249th chance! I know that I can turn to Him and lay this burden down again and He will take it from me so I can go on to live in obedience when it pertains to fueling my body.

My stats for today are:

weight: 204.8
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

As you can see, my weight has slowly gone up since Friday morning. However, I don't pay too much attention to my weight from Saturday through Thursday since Friday is my official weigh day. I know some people would say it isn't good for me to weigh everyday but I have just given in to that and allowed myself this one little indulgence.

Giving it back to my Lord one more time,

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Day 27 - The Lord's Day

Good Sunday morning to all! Yesterday was the restful day that I needed, thank You Lord. I didn't do much of anything except go buy groceries. I caught up on some things I had recorded on TV through the week and I alos did a little bit of laundry. Karah asked if she could go to the drive-in with Amanda, Chelsea and Tiffany so Deon and I had a little date last night. Now Vivian won't have to feel so bad about us missing "our date" on Friday!

Now you have to understand something about us! Our favorite thing to do is go out to eat and then go and walk around Wal Mart. Now I know what you're thinking...that isn't real romantic! It was simply nice to get to spend time together, just the two of us. I would have been happy with something even simpler that what we did do!

My stats for today are:

weight 202.4
body fat: 43%
body hydration: 39%

I did go over my points by 4 yesterday but I still have flex points so I'm still on track. I only had 8 glasses of water though. I really like to have more than that in a day.

Looking forward to an awesome Lord's day,

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day 26 - The Long Awaited Weekend is Here!

I am so grateful that it is Saturday and I only have to travel to Wal Mart today! I am so looking forward to fixing my family a nice supper tonight. I was sick last Friday and all through the weekend so I think it has been well over a week since I fixed a decent meal.

Last night kind of put a kink in my weight but not to worry, it was because of the rich food. I know that I didn't go too terribly wrong last night. I did enjoy a very small piece of birthday cake. I must confess that I did go back of seconds on the roast beef and the mashed potatoes. Even though those seconds were very small I should have been happy with what I had put on my plate. I also found myself in the kitchen nibbling on the roast beef when no one was looking! It was only two little bits but they were bits that I did not need. However, all in all I thought I did pretty well for a catered birthday party. I only used 7 of my 35 flex points so that means that I consumed 33 points yesterday and for a party like the one last night it could have been much more!

My stats for today are:

weight: 202.4
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

Praising God simply for who He is,

Friday, January 25, 2008

Day 25 - Friday's Weigh In

Praise God! That is all I can say, I have to give the glory to God. I have lost 3 pounds this week!

My stats for today are:

weight: 201.4
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

My measurements for the last weigh-in in January is:

Body Part - 217.2 - 201.4 - Difference

Forearm: 11 - 10 - 1 inch
Bicep: 14 3/4 - 13 1/2 - 1 1/4 inches
Shoulders: 47 3/4 - 45 - 2 3/4 inches
Chest: 45 1/4 - 43 - 2 1/4 inches
Waist: 38 - 37 - 1 inch
Hips: 51 1/2 - 48 - 3 1/2 inches
Thighs: 27 3/4 - 26 - 1 3/4 inches
Calves: 16 1/2 - 15 1/2 - 1 inch

From 217.2 to 206.4 was a difference of 9 1/2 inches
From 206.4 to 201.4 is a difference of 5 inches
From 217.2 to 201.4 is a total of 14 1/2 inches lost! Praise God!

The ladies bible study was really great last night. I was the oldest and the one that has been married the longest that was there last night. I'm not really sure how that makes me feel! It was a wonderful time and I know I am going to enjoy the book we are studying.

I'm really glad that the weather isn't as bad as they said it could have been. No ice, just rain is ok with me anytime. This is going to be another long day. Deon and I are going out to eat on a date tonight so we are just going to meet at the church and go from there. So, another night not at home!!

In awe of God's goodness and faithfulness,

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 24

This has been an incredibly busy week! The only evening that I will be home this whole week will be Saturday night. I could go with the Jr. High for their night out with the youth group Saturday evening but I really need a relaxing evening at home! I am looking forward to cooking my family a good dinner, the only one this week!

I have done well this week as it relates to food because I have been so busy that there has been no time to even think about food. I have been eating late every night so I didn't want to eat much and I have been under my points all week long by about 3 to 6 points a day. That is probably why I have lost as much weight this week as I have. However, because it has been such a busy week I have not gotten in any exercise at all. There have been no activity points at all this week.

I feel I am starting to change my relationship with food. I have always bowed down to food and loved it like a god. This has been my greatest sin, the sin of idolatry. I am being compelled by the Holy Spirit each new day to leave my idol and offer myself to my One True God! I don't live to eat as much anymore. I eat to live so I can worship and serve my Lord with all that I am. I know there will be times that my flesh will rebel but right now I am on the road of obedience. I can only stay on this road as long and I am relying on God and allowing His strength to flow through me. I want my body and my life to be a sweet smelling aroma and sacrifice for the One who made me and loves me more than I can ever imagine.

My stats for today is:

weight: 200.6
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

I am looking forward to my new Bible Study on Thursday evenings with the ladies at church. I have always longed to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman. I want the Holy Spirit to change me to be more like her and if I am more like her I will be becoming more like Jesus!

Feeling loved and loving my Savior,

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 23 - Wednesday, January 23, 2008

God is good all of the time and He has given us a new day and breath in our nostrils to know that we are alive. Lord God make me alive in You today! My prayer today is that I will truly die to myself and put my life totally in God's control.

Yesterday was a great day as far as WW goes. I came in under my points simply because I didn't have time to get them all in! I didn't have any activity points and I must change that. Today is the last day of the January Bible Study at church so I will be able to start figuring out where the exercise is going to go in my day. I'm off tomorrow so I will be able to get up and do aerobics in the morning! I am actually looking forward to that.

My stats for today are:

weight: 201
body fat: 47%
body hydration 35.5%

Only two more pounds and I will be below 200. I am so excited to get to that goal and if I get there before the end of January then I will have met my 10 pound weight loss goal for January as well!

I have really enjoyed getting on the WW website and going to the message boards. I only post messages on the "Spiritual" board. I have learned you still have to be careful in there too! I have found a couple of christian boards and I'm starting to get to know some of the ladies. It is so nice to go to those boards and find encouragement or better yet give encouragement to ladies that are walking the same WW journey as I am.

Walking in the light of His love,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 22 - Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Vivian!! Birthdays are always a wonderful time to remember our friends and just what they mean to us. Vivian you are such a special part of my life and I truly cannot think about what my life would be like if I had never met you. I am thankful that God had it planned from the beginning of time that we should be friends.

Yesterday was a good day, I was back among the living and I was a good girl as far as WW goes. I was able to get back on plan and journal to keep track of my points. I was way under my points yesterday but I didn't want to go home late last night and load up on food and then go right to bed. If I had gotten in all of my points that is exactly what I would have had to do. I am thankful that I did not do that but I have been known in the past to do just that. I am a night eater and I try to save as many points for the nighttime as I can. I have to stop doing that, it is not good to eat so much at night. I need to really eat more at breakfast and not as much at supper.

My stats for today are:

weight: 202
body fat: 47%
body hydration: 35.5%

It is not looking like I will reach my goal of 10 pounds down by the end of January but 8 pounds is within my grasp and I will be grateful for that. I am really looking forward to being below 200 pounds. By God grace and His power I will never see 200 pounds again!

Resting in Him,

Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 21 - Monday, January 21, 2008

I have been so sick and that has put a crimp in eating and exercising. I did not get out of my pj's for two days! Friday, Saturday and Sunday were days that I did not stick to my points at all. I didn't go really crazy until yesterday and I paid for it. I had terrible heart burn last night.

I did at least weigh myself each day. I didn't really want to do that because I was really worried about what I had done to myself. I did not eat one bit of fruit or veggies on Saturday or Sunday. I am dusting myself off and getting back on the road of this journey. I have asked forgiveness for the detour I have taken and now I will forgive myself and go on.

My stats for Saturday were:

weight: 203.4
body fat: 46.5%
body hydration: 36%

My stats for Sunday were:

weight: 203
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36.5%

My stats for today are:

weight: 202
body fat: 45%
body hydration: 37%

It defies all logic as to why my weight just kept going down. I will probably get a surprise closer to Friday which is my WI (weigh in) day!

Keeping my eyes on Jesus and the journey ahead,

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 18 - Friday, January 18, 2008

This has been a disappointing week on the scale but I have been sick so I'm not going to worry about it too much. I am not giving up because this is just as much a spiritual journey as it is a physical one. I will be glad when this cold or allergies or whatever it is is gone! I know that my body is just protecting itself and hanging on to the weight because I'm sick.

My stats for today are:

weight: 204.2
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 37%

I am still really enjoying my new job. Travis and Kaci will be here in a few minutes for me to work with them for an hour. I am looking forward to that. We will be doing flash cards, educational games and I will be listening to them read. I am glad I can do this for Kristy so she can get some one on one time with Kayleigh and her language arts.

I'm really sad that I missed the Ladies Bible study last night. I just didn't feel well enough to head back to Ferris last night when Vivian called me and told me that they had put the wrong date on the invitation. I hope they had a really good time last night.

Not feeling well but keeping on the road only by His strength,

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 17 - Thursday, January 17, 2008

I was asking the Lord this morning to give me strength because the numbers don't look so good this week. The only thing different from last week to this is that I have started a new job and I'm trying to figure out where the exercise is going to go. I have not done any exercise to speak of since last Saturday and the numbers are reflecting that. This is a journey with ups and downs and only God can see me through the "downs"!

I am just so thankful for my new job. It is everything I had hoped it would be. I do think that I may go to the Wal Mart near the dance studio and walk around while the kids are in dance. I think that would help a lot on the exercise front.

My stats today are:

weight: 204.4
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

Well, I am at work so I do need to keep this short. I think I need to find some is too quiet in here!

Walking through the valley of "possible one pound gain" trusting in God all the way,

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 16 - Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today has been a great day so far! I started at the church this morning. I have been a busy little beaver. I have run the copies for the January Bible Study that starts Sunday morning. The girls (Haddie and Karah) helped me with the binders. Now I am just waiting for Pastor Bob to get back and see if he wants me to put the copies in the binders or not. Some years we put the notes in the binders ourselves and some years they are in the binders and ready for us. I think I will finish here and go ahead and put the notes in the binders.

My stats for today are:

weight: 203.2
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

I will keep this short today!

Keeping my eyes on Jesus,

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day 15 - Tuesday, January 2008

I still can't get used to writing 2008 on things. I was making a menu for the next two weeks yesterday so I could go get groceries and as I would list the day and date I was putting 07 on all but the first two dates!

I believe 2008 is going to bring about several changes in our lives this year. For one, Karah will be graduating from high school. Just yesterday she was running around the house like Bradley! I have also started a continuation, a starting again of my weight loss journey. I know that I will reach my target weight this year, probably by July or August. The biggest change with this is how I treat this journey when I get to that point. This is going to be a life long journey and I need to remember that and rely on God to see me through to the end and then I will be with Him in Glory!!

I can't go back to eating junk food and drinking diet coke all the time like before. Eating fat will make you fat. I also don't have to deprive myself of the things I love to eat, I just need to remember that moderation is the key.

This year has already brought the change of jobs for me and I praise God that He has answered my prayer and given me the FBF Secretary job even if it is only until May. I pray that by May the church will know that Bob really needs me and if they can afford to keep me on. This new job has brought on another change in and of itself. I won't be able to go to the Sew Knot Square Quilters club with Wendy, Kelly and Kristi anymore. So, Wendy informed us that as of yesterday the club is no more. It was bitter sweet for me. I was getting tired of going but I will miss the ladies quite a lot. I will see Wendy and I will see Kristi but I won't get to see Kelly much. I will see Kristi because Shelbi is going to start coming to youth on Wednesdays. That is exciting.

My stats for today are:

weight: 202.8
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 36.5%

I am looking forward to spending the day with my friend Stephanie. I haven't gotten to see her or spend time with her in so long. It will be good to talk and catch each other up on what has been going on in our lives.

Simply resting in Him today,

Monday, January 14, 2008

Day14 - Monday, January 14, 2008

Today is the start of another work week. Now I just have to find the work to go with that! I have to really start looking for a job today. I am going to call the CVS distribution center and see if they are hiring. If I strike out there I just might try HEB or Super One. I think I want a job where I'm on my feet and moving around. I might even try Factory Connection, Cato and Bells. I know working in retail I may have to work some Sundays and I really don't want to do that. I may check and see if the receptionist job is still available in the paper. But I really want a more physical job

Listen to my babble on. I am really trying to go on and on so I won't have to confess about yesterday. I guess I let the one pound weight gain get to me than I wanted to admit. I kind of (but not as bad as in the past) went crazy last night at our church fellowship time. I will always get a little bit of what I want to eat no matter what it is but last night I got more that a little bit. I ate about 5 or 6 little mini pigs in a blanket and I had 2 rather not small helpings of Lorene's corn salad. Afterwards I felt so disappointed with myself.

God you are so good! Please forgive me for doubting You. Praise God, I have already got a job! Scott Born just called and offered me a job at least through about May! I will be working 30 hours a week, 10 for Kristy and 20 for Bob at the church. What an answer to prayer!

My stats for today are:

weight: 204.2
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 36.5%

Keeping my eyes of my faithful God and walking this road one minute at a time,

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 13 - Sunday, January 13, 2008

Praise the Lord it is Sunday. It is time to go and worship our Lord and Savior with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I love Sundays!

I knew this was coming...I put on a pound since yesterday. But I am not surprised, I have eaten out a lot this week and even though I stay within my points or close to it the richer food does take a toll. Or another possibility is that I have been working with weights and did a lot of lifting yesterday at Mission Arlington as well and muscle weighs more that fat. What ever the case I am not going to let it get me down or stop me like I have in the past. God and I are in this together and He will not leave me or fail me. He will be faithful to our journey. I can't say that I always will be because I know me! Then He will gently remind me that we are supposed to be on a journey together and I will get back on board!

My stats today are:

weight: 204.8
body fat: 43.5%
body hydration: 39%

Because my body fat has gone down today that really points to the building muscle theory as to why I gained a pound. I think that is the more likely reason. That is really encouraging because muscle also burns more calories too!

Not giving up and keeping my eyes of Jesus,

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 12 - Mission Arlington Day!

I went with the youth to Mission Arlington today. Wow, what a workout. We moved heavy boxes of canned goods. First we were in a big container and we were moving the boxes from the front of the container to the back of the container. It was real interesting navigating it there. The passage way was very small with a big wall of boxed canned goods on both sides. We only had to move one side. Before we were finished with our work Heather (our guide) came and asked us if we would go and help unload a truck with another group. So off we went with the other group and knocked out the truck in about 30 minutes. It was such a great day but I know I am going to be so sore tomorrow! I am counting this as my workout today. We did this for about 2 hours and at low intensity that calculated out to be 6 activity points! That makes up for the 1 activity point that I got yesterday.

Last night was wonderful! The men of the church did such a good job preparing supper for us. Scott broke out his and Kristy's china and we dined in style. I ate a little bit of everything and only went over my points by 3. I don't think that was too bad considering!!

My stats for today are:

weight: 203.8
body fat: 46.5%
body hydration: 36%

I think right now I am going to post this real quick and then take some ibuprofen and go lay down for a little while. When I get up it is time to study my Sunday School lesson.

Getting sore but feeling great,

Friday, January 11, 2008

Day 11 - WW Friday Weigh In Day!

It is already proving to be too difficult to keep up with a weigh in day for the new year and a weigh in day for Weight Watchers so my official weigh in day will be my WW weigh in day and that would be today! So last Friday my weight was 208.2 and today I weighed 203.8 that is total loss of 4.4 pounds! Since January 2nd I have lost 6.6 pounds! Since I started this journey way back in July 2007 I have lost a total of 13.4 pounds! Praise God! He is the only reason for my success!

Of course, Friday starts my WW week all over with 35 anytime points and my activity points go back to 0! Last week I accumulated 23 activity points and only swapped 6 of them through the week. I got at least one activity point everyday last week with most days getting 2 or more points. There were a couple of days that I only got 1 activity point in that day but at least is was something! I only used 3 of the 35 anytime points this past week. I have a feeling that I will use more this week!

The men are cooking for us ladies tonight at the church. I will have to be real careful not to go crazy with it. Deon fixed the dessert so I know I can have some of that! He fixed 3 pies all with the Weight Watchers Key Lime recipe that everyone at church loves. Even the diabetics can eat the Key Lime one that he made. I think he made key lime, peach and a chocolate cheery pie. I will eating the key lime pie because it is the only one that he used a reduced fat graham cracker crust on! It is the only one that he completely followed the Weight Watchers recipe.

My stats for today are:

weight: 203.8
body fat: 46.5%
body hydration: 36%

I don't know if I will make my goal of 10 lost by the end of this month but it will be real close. But I don't need to think about that now...I just need to think about today and start praying about tonight so I don't over do it. I want to enjoy myself tonight but I do want to make wise choices.

Still taking it one day at a time with my Lord,

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 10 - Keeping self out of the way of seeing God's face!

In my devotion this morning I read an incredible quote by A. W. Tozer. "Self is the opaque veil that hides the face of God from us." When I read that I realized it was so true and I have let myself be that opaque veil and not be able to see the face of God. That saddens my heart but I must press on, ask forgiveness and take self away so I can see the beautiful face of God. This is a daily struggle that I have! I let "me" get in the way of truly spending time with God and worshiping Him and Him only. When you let self get in the way that is idolatry, my biggest sin problem!

Praise God, He is patient and loving with me. God will help me to die to self and take up Christ's cross and follow Him. That is my prayer this morning and this afternoon and this evening! It has to be an ongoing prayer request for me.

As far as WW goes, I had a really incredible day. I went to the church and worked with Pastor Bob and he took Haddie and me to lunch. I was able to make a wise choice of taco salad and I think that was the best taco salad I have ever eaten! I didn't even have to salt the salad at all. Salting a salad is how I can handle a salad without salad dressing. I was amazed, the meat was seasoned just right and no salt was needed. Then, yesterday being Wednesday we went out to eat after church. We went to Wendy's and I had a baked potato plan with just a little bit of butter (2pts. worth) and a bowl of chili. It was great! I realized I still needed one serving of fruit or veggies so Vivian bought me some mandarin oranges before we left Wendy's.

The eating department was right on and I didn't go over my points but I only got 1 activity point for the day. I had really wanted to get in 10,000 steps but it only ended up being 7200 steps. I thought it was odd that I got and even number of steps but I guess if you do this long enough that will happen!!

My stats for the day are:

weight: 204.6
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

My prayer is that I will continue to take this one day at a time and not let myself get in the way. I will always only be able to do this by the power of God.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus,

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 9 - Praising God!

I am just so full of love for my Savior! I praise Him because He is the only one worthy of any praise. Turning all of this over to Him has been so wonderful. So far I have not done the usual thing and take it all back from Him. That is my MO you know! Please keep praying for me that I won't take this back and that I will continue on in His strength.

Yesterday was an incredible day. I exercised and I got in 7500 steps for a total 6 activity points. I did go over my points by 3 points, which in and of itself isn't a bad thing. However, I looked back over my points history since Friday and everyday except Friday I went over my points by 3. The only thing that is protecting me from a weight gain is the fact that I have also gotten activity points every day too.

I got all smiley faces again yesterday! I have discovered that if I eat a fruit for breakfast and then have 2 servings of either fruit or veggies at lunch and then again at supper I have met the 5 servings required. For now that is awesome for me but I will have to eat more than that in the future. I'm taking this one "one step at a time". It is just amazing that I'm getting 5 servings in when just 2 weeks ago I wouldn't eat one serving of fruits or veggies in a day!

My stats for today are:

weight: 205.2
body fat: 46%
body hydration: 36%

I'm going to the church today to help Pastor Bob with a new newsletter for the church. I had told him Sunday night that I might just come and be his secretary (for no pay) just because I was bored! He called last night to see if I still felt that way. So I'm about the close this blog so I can go get ready and head up there. This should be a fun day.

Keeping my eyes on Him,

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day 8 - 4 pounds gone!

It is official...I have lost 4 pounds in this first week of my beginning again journey. Praise God, I could not have done this without His power and strength. It does feel good to know that I am being obedient with what I eat and how much I am moving. God is so good!

I got all smiley faces again yesterday! For you that do not know what I'm talking about let me explain. On the WW website I track everything. When I get in enough servings of water or fruits and veggies or milk products and so on a smiley face appears. My goal is to get smiley faces everyday.

I have even already gotten up this morning and done my exercises. I started to talk myself out of it because my neck was a little stiff but God help me push through that and exercise anyway. Guess what, my neck isn't stiff anymore!

My stats for today are:

weight: 206.4 pounds
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 36.5%

The only moving I did yesterday was to get 7500 steps in for an activity point of 1. I am not going to complain because that was better than no activity point at all. I am setting a goal of at least 1 activity point everyday.

So my new mini goals for each day are 1. to get smiley faces on all my servings of everything and 2. get at least 1 activity goal everyday. Again, please know that I cannot do this on my own, I can only do this with God's strength pulling me through.

Celebrating a weight loss of 4 pounds today and praising Him for it,

Monday, January 7, 2008

Day 7 - Almost done with week one!

Wow, what a strong start to this leg of my journey! I am thrilled at the progress that I have made through the strength of Christ. I can only give the honor and glory to Him because I, by myself, would not have fared so wonderfully.

Yesterday was great. I walked my 10,000 steps and got 2 activity points for my effort! With my eating yesterday I only went 3 point over so I used both activity points and 1 of my 35 when ever weekly points. I still have 34 of those points left so I really could just go crazy today but I'm not going to!!

My stats for today are:

weight: 206.4
body fat: 46.5%
body hydration 35.5%

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog here are my measurements at 217.2 pounds and today's measurements side by side.

Body part - 217.2 pounds - 206.4 pounds - Difference
Forearms - 11 inches - 10 3/4 inches - 1/4 inches
Biceps - 14 3/4 inches - 14 inches - 3/4 inches
Shoulders - 47 3/4 inches - 46 inches - 1 3/4 inches
Chest - 45 1/4 inches - 44 inches - 1 1/4 inches
waist - 38 inches - 38 inches - none
Hips - 51 1/2 inches - 48 1/2 inches - 3 inches
Thighs - 27 3/4 inches - 26 inches - 1 3/4 inches
Calves - 16 1/2 inches - 15 3/4 inches - 3/4 inches

For a total reduction of 9 1/2 inches off my whole body! I'm not even going to talk about the weight I lost yet...that doesn't become official until tomorrow!

From now on I will post my measurements on Tuesdays.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus and doing this one day at a time,

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 6 - The Lord's Day!

Here I am writing this before we head off to church. I am so excited! Not only did I exercise yesterday but I left my pedometer on all day and I actually hit 10,000 steps yesterday. The last time I walked 10,000 steps in one day was when I worked at the book store. I feel like that is a huge accomplishment for me.

I am going to take a rest from exercise today and be a little bit more free with what I eat. I'm not going to go bananas though! I am going to wear my pedometer and see if I can hit 10,000 steps again today.

My stats for today are:

weight 208.2 (I seem to be stuck here!)
body fat: 44% (yeah it finally went down a bit!)
body hydration: 38% (yeah it finally went up!)

I actually got my Sunday School lesson done this week! I am starting to have more energy and I am feeling great.

For the record I really started this journey on July 2, 2007 at 217.2 pounds. I have lost down to 205 since that date but the holidays really did a number on me. I gained 5 pounds over the holidays and decided that I needed to get serious again.

Tomorrow I will post my starting measurements and where I am now with my measurements.

My prayer for you all today is to have a meaningful and blessed Lord's Day.

Love to all,

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 5 continued - Exercise Journal

Well I wanted to do something different for exercise today and God answered my prayer. I didn't go outside to walk but I did the next best thing. I strapped on my pedometer and walked laps inside my house. I grabbed some weights on some of the laps and did bicep curls, tricep work and other fun weight stuff. I made ten laps at a time and used my weights in between, along with working on some balance while doing the bicep curls! I am so pumped and excited about the exercise. I know that this is just the honeymoon stage and I will get tired of the exercising soon enough. I am trying to do different things to keep that from happening too soon.

I did this walking routine for 50 minutes at a moderate speed. My pedometer said that I walked 1.3 miles in that time. That earned me 3 activity points. I know that I could have walked farther if I had just went to the park and walked but it was fun adding all the weights and stuff that I really couldn't do at the park.

Feeling good,

Day 5 - The Weekend!

Yesterday was a good day until last night. I have a problem with wanting to snack at night. I don't know why but I always have. Last night I had a tough time not eating. I did nibble a little bit beyond my points but not too much. Those points were covered by the activity points I got for exercising so all is still good on the points front. But I could not keep my mind off munching enough to not nibble. I should have locked myself away in my room and read my Bible and prayed but I didn't.

My stats today are the same as yesterday:

weight: 208.2
body fat: 48%
body hydration: 35%

I pray that I do better tonight with the munchies. I have found that if I fix supper and have a nice meal I am less likely to have the munchies and if I just have a sandwich is when the munchies come out and attack me! I guess I just need to make sure I cook every night. Some days that will be fine but other days that will be real hard to do. I get tired of cooking after a while. I run out of ideas and get in a rut. I do have access to all the recipes on Weight Watchers so I guess I just need to use them.

I did exercise yesterday and I want to exercise today. I want to do something different today. I just need to figure out what! Maybe it will be warm enough today to go for a walk at Lions park.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus,

Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 4 - Road blocks!

Yesterday did not go as I had planned! Road block ahead...a headache! I was unable to exercise yesterday due to a headache. I took all kinds of meds for it but it just would not let go of my head. I didn't let that derail me as I have in the past. I got up this morning and exercised for 30 minutes. I am so anxious to really get into exercising but I'm taking it slow and stead just as my doctor told me to do because of the irregular heart beat.

My stats for today are:

weight: 208.2
body fat: 48%
body hydration: 35%

Now, if you look at my stats my weight is going down but my body fat is going up and my hydration is going down! I know that Satan is trying to discourage me because I have stopped eating high fat foods and I am exercising, my body fat should be going down. I have been drinking a lot more water so my hydration should be going up. However, I am not going to let Satan win this time. I am going to keep trusting in the Lord and He will see me through this journey. I won't let Satan's road blocks stop me, I will push through them and be stronger for it.

I did stay within my points yesterday but I only had 2 servings of fruits and veggies. I really have to work on eating more of those things. I had my twelve 8oz. glasses of water as well.

Now I must go and finish getting ready for this beautiful day that God has given me. Until tomorrow...


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 3 - Joy in the Journey

The dawn rises to a new day. A new day with endless possibilities and endless temptations. I just need to remember to always trust God. God is always gracious to give us a way out of every temptation that may come our way.

Everyone was so gracious to let me choose Subway for supper last night after church. I know I will have to deal with other choices but it was really nice not having to worry about what I was going to eat to stay within my points on my second day of starting over!

My stats for the day:

weight: 208.4
body fat: 47.5%
body hydration: 35%

I actually came in under my points yesterday. I consumed 23 of the 26 points for the day and I accumulated 2 extra activity points. That gives me a total of 5 extra activity points for the week so far! Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do for exercise today...any ideas??

I remembered to take my vitamins and I consumed thirteen 8oz. glasses of water. I didn't have enough caffeine yesterday and was not a happy camper by the time church was over. I had a headache and had run out of patience as well. As usual I ran my mouth and the longer I talked the louder and more obnoxious I got. I'm sorry guys! I will drink more iced tea today to avoid that little problem.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Only in His strength, I will do this one day at a time!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 2 - Hitting the ground a runnin!

I tried to talk myself out of getting up to exercise this morning. I didn't win!! I got up and exercised for 30 minutes today. I used a Weight Watcher exercise DVD and did the moderate workout. I feel great! I am in the process of fixing oatmeal for breakfast!

Yesterday was a success - I stayed within my points range and exercised as well. I drank twelve 8 oz glasses of water too.

I didn't weigh myself yesterday but I did today. Let's just say that I gained more than the 2 pounds that I thought I had gained over the was closer to 5 pounds. Here are my stats for today...

weight: 210.4 pounds
body fat: 46.5 %
body hydration: 36%

I have to remember not to think about tomorrow and only concentrate on today and trust in the Lord to give me strength to do this.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Only in His strength, I will do this one day at a time!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 1 - A New Beginning!

Yes...I know I have come to this same crossroad every year and I truly have failed miserably most years. I have no choice but to lose the weight this year and lower my cholesterol. I do not want to go on medicine for my cholesterol so I must change my eating habits and exercise.
As we all know I love to eat and I don't like to exercise but if I get my first discipline right this one will be a breeze! My first and foremost "resolution" or discipline is to die to myself and be totally Christ centered. This is the truly hard one for me, I am totally self-centered right now and that is not a good place for me to be.
I have set mini goals for myself as it pertains to my Weight Watchers Journey. They are as follows:
1. 10 pounds lost by the end of January
2. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of February
3. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of March
4. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of April
5. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of May
6. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of June
7. 6 to 8 pounds lost by the end of July
8. And so forth until I lose a total of 60 pounds.
I will come up with cool rewards for myself and I walk this journey and none of the rewards will be food of any kind!! If anyone has any ideas for my rewards just let me know.
I have started off pretty good with regards to Weight Watchers. I actually got up and ate breakfast this morning and I have already had three 8 oz. glasses of water so far. My main goal in regards to what I eat is to add more fruits and veggies and eat breakfast every day. I do have to cut out fried foods in order to lower my cholesterol.
It is time to close out this first blog of my journey and get on with the actual journey!
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Only in His strength, I will do this one day at a time!