Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 46

It is a dreary, foggy day here in Ennis, Tx and I am sitting here wondering why the numbers on the scale today couldn't have been on the scale yesterday! I was down 1.8 from yesterday which would have been a loss of 1.2 for the week, but alas, yesterday was my WI day and not today!

Deon and I went on a wonderful date last night. We went to Applebees and I was able to stay OP and even enjoy dessert. It was so nice to just be together and not stress over my "diet". This is no longer a diet to me but simply a new lifestyle. I know I will slide back into old habits but it seems now when I do my body rebels! I truly believe that this rebellion of my body is a gift from God to help me remember to put good things in my body! Thank you Father!

My stats for today are:

weight: 197.4
body fat: 44.5%
body hydration: 37.5%

I am going to start posting other info here daily as well.

Daily Target Points: 26
Total Points used yesterday: 27
Total AP (activity points) yesterday: 7 (I did Hip Hop Abs and my total steps for the day)
Total Water intake yesterday: 96 oz.
My next mini goal: 6 to 8 pounds lost in February
What's my biggest challenge today? Deciding between aerobics or strength training
What did I do right today? Ate more points at breakfast time
Did I spend time the God yesterday? I spent time in the Word and prayed throughout the day but I did not have a time of being still before Him to pray and listen.

I think that the above info might help you follow my journey a little better.

Thanks for going on this journey with me.

Loving Him more than anything else,

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