Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 42

This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it! Yesterday was a good day all the way around. I stayed within my points and got in 2 AP's for the day. I have been going on the message boards on the WW website and I have started doing some of the activity challenges. I have been doing at least 100 crunches everyday and some days I have done 200 crunches. Just today I started the 100 pushups challenge. I have done 10 on my knees and then I have done 60 up against the wall 20 at a time. I only have 30 more to go! I will get there and someday I look forward to being able to do military style pushups again!

My stats for today are:

weight: 198.4
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration 37%

Praising God for the incredible body He has put us in,

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