Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 38

I am always amazed how God can show me new mercies everday. My devotion this morning was about the fact that Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene after His ressurection. In that day even after the demons had been cast out of her she would have been looked down on because of her sinful past. The main point I got from this morning's devotion is that I am never to far away because of my sinfullness and rebellion that He will not draw me close to Himself! Wow, that is so encouraging to me.

Yesterday was a good WW (Weight Watchers) day. I stayed OP (on point) and even got in 2 AP (activity points) but I could not have done this without trusting God to get me through the day. He is truly amazing and His faithfulness is perfect.

My stats for the day are:

weight: 198.4
body fat: 45.5%
body hydration: 37%

Knowing that He is never far away and that I am kept in His loving embrace,

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