Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 43

The beginning of a new day! I praise God that He is a God of second chances. I need those all of the time but not today!

Today has been a good day as far as WW goes. I have stayed within my points and I have gotten in a 20 minute walk at lunch. I have done 100 crunches and 100 push-ups (modified). Now all I have to do is get some aerobics worked into my daily routine and I will be on my way to a much healthier version of myself.

I will be on my way to being physically who God wants me to be but I cannot neglect the spiritual me either. I have been doing my Bible reading and I do pray through out my day but I don't have any "be still and know that I am God" moments in my day. With this Beth Moore study I am doing for Sunday School I am supposed to be getting on my face before God everyday and I have not been doing that. I really need to!

My stats for today are:

weight: 199.8 (I don't know what my weight is doing!!)
body fat: 47%
body hydration: 35.5%

I know that I have been following the plan and I don't know why my weight is going up. It might be that I'm building muscle which will in turn burn more fat. So, a weight gain of muscle is a good thing. I will go by how my clothes fit instead of what the scale tell me!

Needing to get on my face before God,

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