Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 86

God is so faithful! His love amazes me and I am in awe of my God and King! When I rely on Him and not myself amazingly simple but life changing things happen. I now crave fruit and veggies and water. I never really wanted to crave healthy things before this leg of my WW journey began. I am trying only through the power of the Holy Spirit to eat a well balanced diet and for the first time in my life I am.
Here is an example of how healthy I am eating these days.

Breakfast today: A bowl of Cheerios with skim milk and a banana cut up in it.
Lunch today: A whole wheat wrap filled with 2 tbsp. of hummus and lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. Low fat yogurt and 1 cup of grapes
Afternoon Snack: a splurge...cheese its snack mix and oriental cracker snack mix
Supper tonight: left over Deep-Dish Pizza Casserole, salad and probably a peach fruit cup. After all of that I still have 4 points left for an evening snack!!

With this day food I have gotten in 2 servings of dairy, 5 servings of fruits and veggies, 2 servings of good fat and I will get in at least 12 glasses of water today. This is totally amazing to me but not to God. He knew all along that I could do this, I just had to figure that out!!

This past weekend was so much better WW wise than last weekend. I did eat all of my AP everyday and I dipped into my WFP by only 5. This time last week I had used all but 5 of my WFP!!


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