Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 80

Ok, let's try this again. I tried to write this yesterday but my computer was acting up and I lost it all. It was a really long post too so I just said, forget it!

Last Thursday we had a cookout instead of our Ladies Bible Study. Karah was gone on the ski trip so we didn't have a baby sitter. However, my cell phone was acting up and I didn't get the message about the cookout. I had already eaten when I got there but it was probably for the best. I didn't go over my points and that is a good thing. We had a good time visiting and now we are ready to go on since Karah is home!

Friday was my WI day and it turned out to be a really bad WW day! I got up and weighed and I was down only 4/10th of a pound. Instead of being thankful for a loss I was disappointed that it was a small loss. So, I pouted and proceeded to eat 57 points during the course of the day. I did have some activity points so I didn't totally blow through all of my flex points but I only had 5 left for the whole week and me week had just started that day!

Saturday was a good OP day and I was just so glad that my family was home! We were getting the house ready for company for Easter.

Sunday dawned glorious and a bit chilly! All of our company arrived at church with not too much difficulty! We performed our Easter Musical and it was good for the most part. Only God got us through it and we were so pleased to offer it to Him. The potluck after church was great and then we headed home. Bill and Jean soon arrived and then we were all there. It was really nice to have Bill and Jean (Deon's Dad and Step-Mom), Billy and Kay (Deon's older brother and his wife), Steve, Rhonda, Keely, Caanan and Reed (Deon's baby brother's family) and Preston and Shawna (Deon's cousin and his wife) all at our home for a visit. We were celebrating Bill's birthday.

I have to say that I did not stay OP on Easter Sunday. I can't even begin to calculate the points I consumed that day but I'm too worried about it. Yesterday was a new day and a new start for me. I went home and dusted off the Bow Flex and did a 20 minute strength training set.
This morning I got up early and did Karah's Hip Hop Abs DVD. It felt really great to get AP under my belt before I even left for work! I have stayed OP yesterday and today and I am just really excited about this journey right now. I think it is amazing how one day I can feel so frustrated and ready to quit and the very next day be filled with so much hope! I can only attribute that to God Himself!


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