Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 66 - Ok....I'm back!

Well since Vivian had a fit all over me I have decided to blog here again too. So, Vivian, I'd better see some comments!

I weighed last Friday and had a .8 loss. I was really excited about that, it could have been a .8 gain! When I was recording my new weight on the WW website I realized that when I went under 200 I was supposed to be eating 24 points a day instead of 26 points a day. That could have something to do with why I only lost 4.4 pounds in February!

I had Defensive Driving on Saturday from 9am until 3pm. It was a long day at El Chico in DeSoto! We were given a small choice of what we could order for lunch and none of the choices were good choices! I did the best that I could and still didn't go over my points by very much on Saturday. But....Sunday is another story! I do not know what it is about Sunday or what even triggers the eating that I do on Sunday. I have to pray about it and let the Lord reveal to me why I do this and stop doing it. I used up almost all of my weekly Flex points on Sunday! I only have 5 left to last me through Thursday.

I tried not to beat myself up over Sunday because it does not good to do that. Instead, I just got back on track and even got on the activity band wagon. Yesterday and today I have done a power walk at church before work for 30 minutes. It feels so great to know that I'm doing something that is going to help my body get back into shape. More importantly I'm doing something that will allow me to bring glory to God with my body. That excites me!


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