Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 67

What an incredibly beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining and it is going to be almost 80 degrees and there is a lovely breeze blowing. No one could ask for a more perfect day!
I haven't walked today and I don't really feel like walking. I know I need to but Wednesdays are so hard to get it all in. I leave the house at 8am and don't get home until after 10pm and sometimes I just can't fit it in!

I am getting excited about WI on Friday. I don't really have a clue what the scale is going to do but I have determined in my heart to be thankful no matter what the scale decides to say. I have to keep writing this week after week so I can convince myself that it is true. I want it to be true. I want to be a thankful person full of joy.

I have had a pretty good week so far as it concerns WW and what I have been eating. I have been going over my regular points but I have been getting 5 to 7 AP each day and I only use up to 4 of the AP a day. So...I really have not been going over my points except for Sunday of course! I have been getting in all of my water, fruits, veggies and dairy. This is such a difference for me. I used to go weeks without eating one fruit or veggie! I just simply can't imagine doing that now. I'm so thankful that I have started eating healthier. I can only give God the glory for that. In my own power I would still be eating junk food only and overeating it too.


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