Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 83

Praise God, Praise God!! I lost 1 pound this week. I am no longer living in the fraction jungle! I am so thankful for 1 pound.

This has been a good day so far. I got up and did the Hip Hop Abs DVD again and felt great when I was done. Then I had an egg, 2 slices of bacon and a piece of toast for breakfast all for 4 points!

Kelli and the kid came over around 11am or so. There carpets were cleaned this morning so they came to hang out with us while they dried a little. Justin was just a little bit cranky but he was still fun. I got some video of Justin and Jasmine.

I am tracking pretty good today as far as WW goes. So, all in all, it is a really good day except for the fact that I don't want to go get groceries!! I guess I'll wait until tomorrow and then when I get to Wal Mart on a crazy busy Saturday I will ask myself why I waited!


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