Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 72

The youth group left this morning for their ski trip. That means I am at home all by myself this week. I don't really know if I'm looking forward to it or not! Kelli asked me to go out to eat with her and Vivian since our guys are all gone with the youth. I think that will be fun but I really need to be careful about what I eat. I have to pray about it. I can only make it through eating out if I rely completely on God.

Easter is coming up and boy is this weekend going to be busy! Billy and Kay are coming in on Saturday and Kay is going to help me cook for the pot luck on Sunday. Preston and his wife Shawna and Billy and Kay are going to come to church with us for Easter. Then Steve and Rhonda and Bill and Jean are coming after church. After the lunch pot luck at church we are all going back to the house to visit and then later on we will grill burgers and hot dog and have birthday cake to celebrate Bill's birthday. It is going to be fun and Karah always loves to have lots of family around. I have told William that everyone is coming but I don't know if he and Athena are coming or not.

We were successful in finding a prom dress for Karah. It was less than $100 and she looks like a princess in that dress. She is so excited about this prom. It makes me a bit sad, this is her Senior prom so it is the last. I can't believe that my baby will be 18 next month and graduating high school the month after that.

I did not make my St. Patty's Day goal but I got real close. My goal was 192 and I weighed in this morning at 193.6, I'm happy with that!

I have decided that I am going to allow myself a splurge day on Sundays. I can't seem to keep it within my points anyway. I just have to learn how to keep it a controlled splurge! I think I will be better off doing it this way, that way I don't constantly beat myself up for go way over my points on Sunday.


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