Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 74

Yesterday was a day like no other! I left work early because of the rain. I had to wade through the water just to get to my truck. As I was driving home the rain would come down hard and then let up, over and over again for the whole trip home. Once I pulled up to my mail box to get the mail the rain had almost stopped and so I didn't have to get wet unlocking the gate to get into the driveway. I thought to myself that I had better go and feed Karah's horse now so I would get wet. I went in the house and put on the rain coat (just in case) and put on the rubber boots. It had rained a lot and the ground was a mess. I stepped out the back door and got half way to the barn when the sky opened up and the wind picked up out of the north again and needless to say, I started getting wet!

It was early to feed Scooter so she was no where to be seen. I got the barn door raised while I was trying to hold the rain coat closed. I was a little bit more that afraid of the electric fence at this point but got through it unscathed. I put the bucket full of feed on the hook and got out of there quick. Once I got the barn door closed and headed back to the house the wind and rain were blowing so hard that I had to lean into the wind to keep from being blown away! By the time I got back into the house my lower half (the half not covered by the rain coat) was soaked to the bone!

I took the rain coat and rubber boots off and hung the rain coat in the bathroom over the shower rod. I took my pants off and threw them up there too! I went to my bedroom and found some sweats to change into and put on a t-shirt. In the time it took me to do all of that and get back into the kitchen the rain had stopped! It all seemed like a scene out of a bad movie. I simply just had to laugh!

I have done real well while Deon and Karah have been gone. I know Deon was worried about me, he told me at least twice to watch the pantry! I am proud of myself! I have actually not gone over my points at all while they have been gone. Even today! Scott and Kristy took me to lunch and I only ate 8 points....not bad for chips and chicken salad sandwich. I actually only had a 1/2 a sandwich, salad and some chips. It was just perfect.


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