Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 86

God is so faithful! His love amazes me and I am in awe of my God and King! When I rely on Him and not myself amazingly simple but life changing things happen. I now crave fruit and veggies and water. I never really wanted to crave healthy things before this leg of my WW journey began. I am trying only through the power of the Holy Spirit to eat a well balanced diet and for the first time in my life I am.
Here is an example of how healthy I am eating these days.

Breakfast today: A bowl of Cheerios with skim milk and a banana cut up in it.
Lunch today: A whole wheat wrap filled with 2 tbsp. of hummus and lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. Low fat yogurt and 1 cup of grapes
Afternoon Snack: a splurge...cheese its snack mix and oriental cracker snack mix
Supper tonight: left over Deep-Dish Pizza Casserole, salad and probably a peach fruit cup. After all of that I still have 4 points left for an evening snack!!

With this day food I have gotten in 2 servings of dairy, 5 servings of fruits and veggies, 2 servings of good fat and I will get in at least 12 glasses of water today. This is totally amazing to me but not to God. He knew all along that I could do this, I just had to figure that out!!

This past weekend was so much better WW wise than last weekend. I did eat all of my AP everyday and I dipped into my WFP by only 5. This time last week I had used all but 5 of my WFP!!


Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 83

Praise God, Praise God!! I lost 1 pound this week. I am no longer living in the fraction jungle! I am so thankful for 1 pound.

This has been a good day so far. I got up and did the Hip Hop Abs DVD again and felt great when I was done. Then I had an egg, 2 slices of bacon and a piece of toast for breakfast all for 4 points!

Kelli and the kid came over around 11am or so. There carpets were cleaned this morning so they came to hang out with us while they dried a little. Justin was just a little bit cranky but he was still fun. I got some video of Justin and Jasmine.

I am tracking pretty good today as far as WW goes. So, all in all, it is a really good day except for the fact that I don't want to go get groceries!! I guess I'll wait until tomorrow and then when I get to Wal Mart on a crazy busy Saturday I will ask myself why I waited!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 82

"This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it". It is always a good thing to remember this verse of Scripture. No matter what your day, or life for that matter, throws at you we must remember that God is always right there with you, longing to hear you praise His name anyway! This isn't an easy thing to do! That is quite evident in my life by how I dealt with a loss that just didn't seem big enough to me! Now I face tomorrow's WI and I sit here and wonder, is God going to be gracious or is He going to give me exactly what I deserve. I have determined in my heart that I am going to be thankful for whatever the scale reveals tomorrow and rejoice in it.

I basically started over on Monday. I have done some type of exercise for at least 30 minutes each day this week. I feel so much better for it to. It is amazing how exercise can affect so many things in you day. It relieves stress, it causes you to feel better about yourself, it gives you more energy and it usually keeps you from blowing it in the eating department.

I have done Hip Hop Abs twice this week and it is so much fun. I hope I will be ready for the harder workouts with the Hip Hop Abs series so I can move on.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 81

It is an incredibly good day today. I have been on an exercise frenzy!! I have gotten aerobic workouts 2 times this week and strength training on the Bow Flex once! I feel so much better. I know that on Friday that I may have a gain because of the way I ate over the weekend but I would deserve it! I am just happy that I have gotten back on the WW band wagon and that I have had an attitude overhaul!

I know this is a short post but it is better than what I've been doing lately!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 80

Ok, let's try this again. I tried to write this yesterday but my computer was acting up and I lost it all. It was a really long post too so I just said, forget it!

Last Thursday we had a cookout instead of our Ladies Bible Study. Karah was gone on the ski trip so we didn't have a baby sitter. However, my cell phone was acting up and I didn't get the message about the cookout. I had already eaten when I got there but it was probably for the best. I didn't go over my points and that is a good thing. We had a good time visiting and now we are ready to go on since Karah is home!

Friday was my WI day and it turned out to be a really bad WW day! I got up and weighed and I was down only 4/10th of a pound. Instead of being thankful for a loss I was disappointed that it was a small loss. So, I pouted and proceeded to eat 57 points during the course of the day. I did have some activity points so I didn't totally blow through all of my flex points but I only had 5 left for the whole week and me week had just started that day!

Saturday was a good OP day and I was just so glad that my family was home! We were getting the house ready for company for Easter.

Sunday dawned glorious and a bit chilly! All of our company arrived at church with not too much difficulty! We performed our Easter Musical and it was good for the most part. Only God got us through it and we were so pleased to offer it to Him. The potluck after church was great and then we headed home. Bill and Jean soon arrived and then we were all there. It was really nice to have Bill and Jean (Deon's Dad and Step-Mom), Billy and Kay (Deon's older brother and his wife), Steve, Rhonda, Keely, Caanan and Reed (Deon's baby brother's family) and Preston and Shawna (Deon's cousin and his wife) all at our home for a visit. We were celebrating Bill's birthday.

I have to say that I did not stay OP on Easter Sunday. I can't even begin to calculate the points I consumed that day but I'm too worried about it. Yesterday was a new day and a new start for me. I went home and dusted off the Bow Flex and did a 20 minute strength training set.
This morning I got up early and did Karah's Hip Hop Abs DVD. It felt really great to get AP under my belt before I even left for work! I have stayed OP yesterday and today and I am just really excited about this journey right now. I think it is amazing how one day I can feel so frustrated and ready to quit and the very next day be filled with so much hope! I can only attribute that to God Himself!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 74

Yesterday was a day like no other! I left work early because of the rain. I had to wade through the water just to get to my truck. As I was driving home the rain would come down hard and then let up, over and over again for the whole trip home. Once I pulled up to my mail box to get the mail the rain had almost stopped and so I didn't have to get wet unlocking the gate to get into the driveway. I thought to myself that I had better go and feed Karah's horse now so I would get wet. I went in the house and put on the rain coat (just in case) and put on the rubber boots. It had rained a lot and the ground was a mess. I stepped out the back door and got half way to the barn when the sky opened up and the wind picked up out of the north again and needless to say, I started getting wet!

It was early to feed Scooter so she was no where to be seen. I got the barn door raised while I was trying to hold the rain coat closed. I was a little bit more that afraid of the electric fence at this point but got through it unscathed. I put the bucket full of feed on the hook and got out of there quick. Once I got the barn door closed and headed back to the house the wind and rain were blowing so hard that I had to lean into the wind to keep from being blown away! By the time I got back into the house my lower half (the half not covered by the rain coat) was soaked to the bone!

I took the rain coat and rubber boots off and hung the rain coat in the bathroom over the shower rod. I took my pants off and threw them up there too! I went to my bedroom and found some sweats to change into and put on a t-shirt. In the time it took me to do all of that and get back into the kitchen the rain had stopped! It all seemed like a scene out of a bad movie. I simply just had to laugh!

I have done real well while Deon and Karah have been gone. I know Deon was worried about me, he told me at least twice to watch the pantry! I am proud of myself! I have actually not gone over my points at all while they have been gone. Even today! Scott and Kristy took me to lunch and I only ate 8 points....not bad for chips and chicken salad sandwich. I actually only had a 1/2 a sandwich, salad and some chips. It was just perfect.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 73

I really thought I would enjoy being home alone for a quiet week more than I am! I miss Deon and Karah so much. Deon called last night to let me know that they had gotten to Colorado safely. He called again this morning to let me know that Jordan was sick with a stomach virus. I'm glad Matt is there, at least Jordan has her dad for comfort!

Then Kelli calls me this morning to get me to try to help her find out where her sister's fight is. She was supposed to pick Sarah up this morning at the airport but the flight was grounded in Oklahoma City! Kelli called me back not too long ago to let me know that she was about to drive to Oklahoma City to pick Sarah up! Sarah's in laws are headed this way with Sarah to meet Kelli where ever they meet up!

I guess you could say that today has been interesting! I'm here at the church by myself again today. Kay's brother and his wife were not able to fly out today because all flights out have been canceled at DFW! It is raining like crazy and there has been talk of possible tornadoes!
I have had a good day WW wise. I have stayed OP all day so far. Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I ate only my target points. I have been dipping into my Flex points and I have been eating all of my Activity points too! That really could be one reason why I'm not losing even one pound a week!

I really have to get serious about activity points. Walking and tracking my steps are fine but I really need to add some cardio and strength training too. I really think that will bust this plateau I seem to be on.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 72

The youth group left this morning for their ski trip. That means I am at home all by myself this week. I don't really know if I'm looking forward to it or not! Kelli asked me to go out to eat with her and Vivian since our guys are all gone with the youth. I think that will be fun but I really need to be careful about what I eat. I have to pray about it. I can only make it through eating out if I rely completely on God.

Easter is coming up and boy is this weekend going to be busy! Billy and Kay are coming in on Saturday and Kay is going to help me cook for the pot luck on Sunday. Preston and his wife Shawna and Billy and Kay are going to come to church with us for Easter. Then Steve and Rhonda and Bill and Jean are coming after church. After the lunch pot luck at church we are all going back to the house to visit and then later on we will grill burgers and hot dog and have birthday cake to celebrate Bill's birthday. It is going to be fun and Karah always loves to have lots of family around. I have told William that everyone is coming but I don't know if he and Athena are coming or not.

We were successful in finding a prom dress for Karah. It was less than $100 and she looks like a princess in that dress. She is so excited about this prom. It makes me a bit sad, this is her Senior prom so it is the last. I can't believe that my baby will be 18 next month and graduating high school the month after that.

I did not make my St. Patty's Day goal but I got real close. My goal was 192 and I weighed in this morning at 193.6, I'm happy with that!

I have decided that I am going to allow myself a splurge day on Sundays. I can't seem to keep it within my points anyway. I just have to learn how to keep it a controlled splurge! I think I will be better off doing it this way, that way I don't constantly beat myself up for go way over my points on Sunday.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 67

What an incredibly beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining and it is going to be almost 80 degrees and there is a lovely breeze blowing. No one could ask for a more perfect day!
I haven't walked today and I don't really feel like walking. I know I need to but Wednesdays are so hard to get it all in. I leave the house at 8am and don't get home until after 10pm and sometimes I just can't fit it in!

I am getting excited about WI on Friday. I don't really have a clue what the scale is going to do but I have determined in my heart to be thankful no matter what the scale decides to say. I have to keep writing this week after week so I can convince myself that it is true. I want it to be true. I want to be a thankful person full of joy.

I have had a pretty good week so far as it concerns WW and what I have been eating. I have been going over my regular points but I have been getting 5 to 7 AP each day and I only use up to 4 of the AP a day. So...I really have not been going over my points except for Sunday of course! I have been getting in all of my water, fruits, veggies and dairy. This is such a difference for me. I used to go weeks without eating one fruit or veggie! I just simply can't imagine doing that now. I'm so thankful that I have started eating healthier. I can only give God the glory for that. In my own power I would still be eating junk food only and overeating it too.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 66 - Ok....I'm back!

Well since Vivian had a fit all over me I have decided to blog here again too. So, Vivian, I'd better see some comments!

I weighed last Friday and had a .8 loss. I was really excited about that, it could have been a .8 gain! When I was recording my new weight on the WW website I realized that when I went under 200 I was supposed to be eating 24 points a day instead of 26 points a day. That could have something to do with why I only lost 4.4 pounds in February!

I had Defensive Driving on Saturday from 9am until 3pm. It was a long day at El Chico in DeSoto! We were given a small choice of what we could order for lunch and none of the choices were good choices! I did the best that I could and still didn't go over my points by very much on Saturday. But....Sunday is another story! I do not know what it is about Sunday or what even triggers the eating that I do on Sunday. I have to pray about it and let the Lord reveal to me why I do this and stop doing it. I used up almost all of my weekly Flex points on Sunday! I only have 5 left to last me through Thursday.

I tried not to beat myself up over Sunday because it does not good to do that. Instead, I just got back on track and even got on the activity band wagon. Yesterday and today I have done a power walk at church before work for 30 minutes. It feels so great to know that I'm doing something that is going to help my body get back into shape. More importantly I'm doing something that will allow me to bring glory to God with my body. That excites me!
