Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good bye Doctrinal Study----Hello Prom!!

Now that the Doctrinal Study at church is behind us now we can concentrate on Prom. I know Karah is so excited. I'm a little sad that Deon and I are working the Prom and we won't get to be a part of the "getting ready" process. Deon has taken pictures of this process for the last 2 years and now we have to rely on Wendy to get that done for us. I know she will do an awesome job but it won't be the same as actually getting to be there to share it with Karah.

I am a little concerned about eating on Saturday. Deon and I go on duty at the prom at 4:30pm and don't get off duty until 1am when the prom is over. I don't know if they are going to feed us and if they do I don't know what they are going to feed us. They did tell the Support Staff to be sure and bring a book or something to do if your job got slow. So if we can bring in a book I wonder if I can bring in healthy snacks?? I think I will try.

I have had to get back on track with WW and I have now been OP 2 days and I'm working on day 3. I had to stop and remember that I can't do this and I have to give it all back to the Lord. It is only by His strength that I can walk this journey. It is only because Him that the journey is worth taking. I want to be healthy to bring Him glory!


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