Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 93

I really have to figure out why I do this...binging on the weekend thing! I think it starts with my whining because I only lost .8 of a pound on Friday. Why do I do that? That is a loss and I should be grateful for it. I'm just frustrated because I'm doing better on the plan this time and getting in the exercise and I'm losing slower than I did last time. But I have to remember that I'm doing it right this time and that is more important than how fast I lose the weight.

I did get right back on track today though. I got up at 6am to do Hip Hop Abs. It felt really great when I was done but I had to drag myself out of bed. That is probably due to the food hangover I was suffering this morning. I feel much better now and have had a total of 2 fruits and 2 veggies already today. I have had my dairy too and a good amount of water.

I just hope that I can pull myself out of the pit of gaining! If I do gain weight this coming Friday I will just have to deal with it because that will be what I deserve after the weekend I just had!

I'm beginning to think that my stress eating is due to the fact that it is getting closer for the time for Karah to graduate and I don't want to let go of my baby! I know I have to but it is going to be so very hard. I my goodness, I'm making myself cry just thinking about it! Enough of this!!!


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