Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Aftermath of the 3-Day!

It has taken me about a week and a half to fully recover from the 3-Day.  I really didn't think it would take me this long.  I wasn't able to wear real shoes until a week after the walk, my feet were too swollen.  Doris, on the other hand, walked 2 miles on Monday right after we finished the 3-Day on Sunday!  She was a lot more ready for the walk too.  She trained more than I did and she does not have to problems I have with my feet.

What's next?  I really don't know but I do know I want to keep walking.  I think I really liked walking the longer distances and I think I'm ready to walk through the winter too.  I love the fact that the time has changed and it is very light outside at 6am.  I can still get to the church at 6am and walk until 7am and get in a good 3 miles right now.  I want to be walking 4 miles during that hour by Spring time.  I think that is a good goal.

I have been toying with the idea of doing a marathon next but I'm not real sure about what my feet are going to be doing.  I do know that my friend Sabrina that has the same condition with her feet is now running again.  She had surgery on both feet (not at the same time) to remove the enlarged nerves.  I know eventually I'll probably have to do the same but at least there is an answer to the problem.

1 comment:

HRM said...

YAY! You did it! And you will do great on your other walks too!