Monday, November 15, 2010

Day Two of the 3-Day - Saturday, November 6, 2010

It got really cold while we slept Friday night.  I was warm and toasty in my sleeping but that all changed when I had to get up and make my way to the porta potty twice!

Doris and I got up on Saturday and got ready quickly.  We went and had breakfast, which wasn't too bad but my eggs got cold pretty fast.  We were out on the route pretty early in the day and I was amazed at the frost on the ground.  I really do think it got colder than the 39 degrees that the weather said it was supposed to get down to.

I didn't take too many pictures during the morning because my battery in my camera was already giving me a low battery indicator.  I was going to save my battery for the closing ceremony on Sunday.  I did let Doris take a picture of me with a pink Santa before we got on the route.  I also looked back and took a picture of the big tent.  We had to go through a tunnel to get out of Brookhaven college and get on the route. 

 Pink Santa and me!
 Looking back at the main tent
Day Two
The tunnel to begin the route for day 2

Doris and I did not get separated on Saturday like we did on Friday.  I got a couple of pictures of Doris before I stopped taking pictures with my camera.  She wanted her picture taken with one of the motorcycle guys.  Every little puppy we saw she would say, "Aw, look at the cute little baby"!  So I had to take a picture of her with one of the dogs we saw along the way. 

Doris and the cute babies!

I was so excited to see Karah at the first cheering station.  She had to work on Friday and didn't get to come out.  She asked me if I had found her letter and I had not.  I asked here where it was and she said she had put it in the front of my journal.  Well I don't ever look in the front of my journal so I told her I would find it when I got back to camp and read it then.  Doris was also with me at this cheering station and when we got back on the route she was very concerned for me and asked if I was ok.  I really amazed myself on how I held in my emotions during most of the weekend.  I guess I was concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other!

Karah and Me, was she half asleep??

We somehow missed Deon and Karah at the second cheering station so I called them.  They couldn't find any parking and were on the other side of the street.  Deon said he was looking for us but he missed us.  We weren't that far from the corner where we turned to get to the next pit stop so we went back to the corner and met them there.  I'm really glad we did. 

 Deon drove ahead so he could get this shot of us!
As we were walking away....making sure I'm ok!

We made it through lunch but I knew I would not be able to go as far I had the day before.  I was shooting for 10 miles but ended up going 12.  After lunch Doris and I decided that when we got to the last cheering station and saw everyone we would hop a sweeper van to take us to the next pit stop and then catch the SAG bus back to camp.  The best laid plans, right??

We found Deon, Karah, Viv, Jo and Sophia at the start of the cheering station on Preston road.  It was there that I told Deon that my camera's batter was almost dead.  He let me take his Canon with extra batteries for it.  I was so glad!  Now Doris and I could put our plan into action right? Wrong!  The cheering station went on forever and then once we got past the cheering station we didn't see any sweeper vans at all!  We finally hailed down a van and it took us less that a quarter mile to the next pit stop!  Oh well...we did get on the SAG bus at that time.

 Last Cheering Station of Day 2!
SAG bus Day 2!

Getting back to camp early was wonderful.  We enjoyed a nice hot shower and then headed to supper.  We had steak and potatoes for supper and it was very, very yummy.  When supper was done we just walked around and I took lots of pictures of camp.  I did go to medical and get the blister on the side of my big toe on my right foot drained and bandaged.  We were going to get a massage but the line was too long.  We went and picked up our mail and sure enough the only letter I got was the one I sent to myself.  I was so grateful for the cards that Viv and Candice gave me on Thursday.  Those and the notes from Deon and the letter from Karah really carried me through the weekend.  When I read the letter from Karah I just bawled like a baby.  It was very special.  And speaking of special, Doris and I went to the Remembrance tent and there was able to write a message on the DFW tent to my mom.  I also wrote in the journal book there too and I have no idea how many people will see that.  It was a really emotional and touching time.

The semi trailers where we took our showers!
 Supper, yummy!
 A sea of pink tents!
 The Remembrance Tent
Inside the Remembrance Tent

I decided to turn in early again but when I realized that the time was going to change and I was essentially going to bed at 7:30pm I headed over the the big tent.  They were having the dance party and it was fun to sit with the girls and watch people just be silly on stage.

As I went to sleep that night I was very proud of what I had already accomplished even if Doris felt very guilty for taking the SAG bus both days.  Right before I drifted off to sleep I had already determined in my heart that we were going to walk every single step to the finish of this walk the next day.

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