Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good bye Doctrinal Study----Hello Prom!!

Now that the Doctrinal Study at church is behind us now we can concentrate on Prom. I know Karah is so excited. I'm a little sad that Deon and I are working the Prom and we won't get to be a part of the "getting ready" process. Deon has taken pictures of this process for the last 2 years and now we have to rely on Wendy to get that done for us. I know she will do an awesome job but it won't be the same as actually getting to be there to share it with Karah.

I am a little concerned about eating on Saturday. Deon and I go on duty at the prom at 4:30pm and don't get off duty until 1am when the prom is over. I don't know if they are going to feed us and if they do I don't know what they are going to feed us. They did tell the Support Staff to be sure and bring a book or something to do if your job got slow. So if we can bring in a book I wonder if I can bring in healthy snacks?? I think I will try.

I have had to get back on track with WW and I have now been OP 2 days and I'm working on day 3. I had to stop and remember that I can't do this and I have to give it all back to the Lord. It is only by His strength that I can walk this journey. It is only because Him that the journey is worth taking. I want to be healthy to bring Him glory!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lost Track of the Day #!

Yes, it has been forever since I posted a blog! It has been so long that it is a pain in the tushy to keep track of the number of day it has been since I started over on January 1 so I think I will stop doing that. I need to be more creative with my titles anyway!

Boy am I glad last weekend is over with. Karah's surprise 18th birthday party was a big success but Deon has forbid me to plan another party like that one!! Friday I lied to Karah and told her I was going in to work to make up for the time I lost being sick on Wednesday. That worked into the plan real well. It amazes me how everything fell together. Travis (10 yrs. old) and I got busy cleaning the new building. For those of you that don't know we are building a new sanctuary building at our church. It isn't ready yet to occupy but it is ready enough to do stuff in. We straightened up and then swept and mopped. After that we loaded 6 6 ft. tables and 40 chair and carried them over to the new building. That took 3 loads in my truck. Then we unloaded all of it and by that time Kelli was there to help set up. Then it was time to decorate. Travis and Kelli did most of the decorating because my feet were just wore out!

We ended up going out to eat with Scott and Kristy and Matt and Vivian met us at the movie theater. We went to go see "Expelled", it was a great movie and there was applause at the end! At the end of the day I had logged 20,000 plus steps that translated into 9 miles! No wonder my feet were hurting!!

Now it is Saturday and Karah's big day! Deon and I fixed here waffles, bacon and sausage and took it to her in bed....nothing better than breakfast in bed! We gave her a present, it was a scrapbook that she wanted and the stuff for her to fix up her trip to Europe last Spring. As she and I were heading out the door to go shopping Deon was leaving to go "work" with Scott. What he was really doing was the last minute stuff for the party.

Karah and I went to Wal Mart and she bought a dress she had been wanting with some of her birthday money. Then we headed to Tractor Supply and just as we walked in we saw a clearance rack. I told her that they were singing her song! The blouse she had been looking at and really wanted was marked down from $30 to $10, she snatched it up in a heart beat. Then she found another blouse for $5, she was a happy little cowgirl!

Next we headed to Chicken Express and got some lunch that we took to the park for a picnic. She said that that didn't let me off the hook....we still had to have a real picnic sometime soon. The park was lovely and we had a great time.

We went home and I opened up the 4 disc set of 1950's and 1960's music that I had just bought a Wal Mart and then we danced all afternoon. It was such a wonderful day together. Then it was time to go to church. She still thought we were having a Spanish Banquet for everyone that was interested in going on the Mexico mission trip. was really her party! It was a blast and I think she really was surprised. I do know that she suspected it was for her but she was not sure and didn't want to get her hopes up!

By the time we got everything cleaned up and were home and ready to go to bed I had logged another 14,000 plus steps for a total of 6 miles. It was a good weekend for logging miles that is for sure.

Sunday started our Doctrinal Study on the Doctrine of Election. There is no rest for the weary. I don't think we are going to have Ladies Bible Study on Thursday because the Doctrinal study goes through Wednesday. Then I have Friday off and then Saturday is I rest for the weary!

I have been struggling to get back on track this week with WW. For me, being very busy and very tired is a dangerous combination when it comes to eating and exercise. I am too tired to eat right and too tired to exercise....not good!

But, this too shall pass!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 98

I know, don't fall over...I'm actually posting something on a Saturday!! I am doing so much better this weekend than I did last weekend. I am down another pound this week! I really am beginning to think that there may be something to the "Wendie" plan. I may try it but in order to get Sunday to be my high point day I need to change my weigh in day to Thursday. I'm still not sure that I'm going to try it or not. I may just have a high day on Sunday and keep the rest normal.

Chelsea and Karah had their 4H competition yesterday. They didn't place but they had a lot of fun. It was really great to spend time with Windy. I didn't realize just how much I miss her until I was with her yesterday!

I actually made my mini goal this week. I got up early every day from Monday thru Friday and did the Hip Hop Abs DVD. I am also trying to walk at least 8,000 steps today and tomorrow. Today won't be a problem but Sunday is always hard to get in the steps.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 93

I really have to figure out why I do this...binging on the weekend thing! I think it starts with my whining because I only lost .8 of a pound on Friday. Why do I do that? That is a loss and I should be grateful for it. I'm just frustrated because I'm doing better on the plan this time and getting in the exercise and I'm losing slower than I did last time. But I have to remember that I'm doing it right this time and that is more important than how fast I lose the weight.

I did get right back on track today though. I got up at 6am to do Hip Hop Abs. It felt really great when I was done but I had to drag myself out of bed. That is probably due to the food hangover I was suffering this morning. I feel much better now and have had a total of 2 fruits and 2 veggies already today. I have had my dairy too and a good amount of water.

I just hope that I can pull myself out of the pit of gaining! If I do gain weight this coming Friday I will just have to deal with it because that will be what I deserve after the weekend I just had!

I'm beginning to think that my stress eating is due to the fact that it is getting closer for the time for Karah to graduate and I don't want to let go of my baby! I know I have to but it is going to be so very hard. I my goodness, I'm making myself cry just thinking about it! Enough of this!!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 88

Oh my goodness, I did not want to get up this morning and exercise! I did though! I don't do 6am real well and it is starting to take its toll on me. I wish I was more of a morning person like Deon is.

I am still doing well WW wise. I'm still OP and I have still have 30 WFP left to use if I need to.

Well our plans have changed for Candice's baby shower on Sunday. She is going in tomorrow to be induced so we will have a baby by Sunday! I can't wait for baby Gracie to get here. I don't have her afghan finished yet but it is real close. I still need to crochet every spare minute I have.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 87

Praise God, I got my speeding ticket taken care of this morning! It won't be on my record and I will get a discount on my auto insurance! I never want to go through that again. Not that it was painful or anything but it was money and time I could have spent on something else!

Today is day 2 for this weeks AP challenge. I did get up and do my aerobics DVD before I left to take care of the ticket and then on to work. It is a good little workout too! I have also joined another challenge online. I'm now doing 100 crunches/150 push-ups and now I'm doing 100 leg lifts each leg! I can feel myself getting stronger everyday!

It has been a very quiet April Fools day for me today. Pastor Bob is working from home today so I'm the only one here at the church today. That's ok, I don't even have my music going...I'm enjoying the quietness of the day.
