Monday, September 13, 2010

3-Day Expo!

I was really glad that I met Doris at the 3-Day yesterday!  It was good to see her again and we got a better feel for what we will be in for at the 3-Day.  We didn't stay for the whole time so we missed out on the door prizes but I was glad to get back to church in time for choir practice.

The expo was ok but is wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be like.  I guess I was expecting more.  I was able to buy a couple more pair of the Injinji socks that I love to walk in.  They are toe socks and before you go saying....I could never wear those to walk in...that's what I said too.  Doris bought me my first pair and said to just try them.  I did and I loved them, I won't walk long distances in anything else!

Doris and I both wrote a letter of encouragement to ourselves.  I really tried to write it quickly but also from my heart so it will really mean something when I read it in November!

Oh, a little side note....I broke my camera on Saturday right before I started my training walk.  I had to use the camera on my phone on Saturday and this morning.  However, last night at church Pastor Bob and Gary both offered to let me use one of their cameras.  I just now told Pastor Bob that I would love to use his camera, he said he would bring it tomorrow.  Then, being the generous person he is said that he would just give me the camera since mine is broken and it is an extra one anyway.  I just love my church family so much!

1 comment:

HRM said...

Toes socks are the best! I'm glad you're in the groupie (well, mine that is, haha). Yay for the camera! I sure do love your pastor ;)