Thursday, September 25, 2008

Early Morning Freak Out!

I got up early this morning to head out to the lake to get in a couple of laps before Wendy got there. I want to get in 3 miles a day instead of just 2 so that is why I get out there early now. I round the corner to head to the parking lot and there is a truck in the parking lot. The interior light is on and I can tell there is someone in the truck.

I am immediately faced I stay and just start walking anyway I leave and wait for Wendy. I decide to stay and walk! I know....that might not have been the smartest thing to do! I did have my cell phone at the ready and I had my keys in my right hand with the keys sticking out between my fingers ready to use as a weapon if I needed to.

I told Wendy not to tell Deon because then he wouldn't want me to be out there without her but I told him anyway when he came by just a little while ago. He did tell me that if anyone is out there and I'm not with Wendy that I needed to come home! He can be such a worrier!! But I do have to admit I was just a little bit freaked out and I was very glad to see Wendy and the dogs!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Weigh In Day!

I haven't blogged about a weigh in day in a long time. I scale hopped yesterday and I was 2.2 pounds down and when I got up this morning I was a bit scared to get on the scale. What if my weight went up, I would be devastated. I had to calm myself down and turn it over to the Lord.

I approached the scale and very timidly stepped up on it.....2.2 down still!! I was so happy I started to dance down the hall. This now puts me at 44.4 pounds down and only about 23 pounds from my goal weight! I think I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Are you surprised??

Ok so I thought I would shock you all and blog two days in a row!! I am so pumped right now I can hardly contain myself.

Yesterday was an incredible WW day. I managed to earn 12 Activity Points for the whole day. It started because Wendy called and told me she had just woke up and it was too late to go walk. I decided to put in Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn and do that! Well it was 40 minutes of total body burning alright. I'm so sore today I can barely move. That got me 4 APs.

Later in the morning I realized that I was not going to get in enough steps for the day unless I did some walking. I managed 23 minutes of a walk around lunchtime inside the church on my little route that I created, that was 1 AP.

Kelli came over with the kids after I was off of work and asked me if I wanted to walk with them and I said sure...why not?? We walked another 43 minutes which was another 3 APs.

By this time I was getting on up there in the number of steps on my pedometer so I knew I would have at least 3 more AP at the end of the day to record. So, when we went to Wendy's for supper last night I was able to splurge and not feel too guilty about it!!

When I got to the computer at home right before I went to bed to record everything on the WW website my steps were over 16,000 and that was 4 AP, not I ended the day with 12 AP!

I did do a little bit of scale hopping this morning and if I stay the same tomorrow for my official weigh in as I was this morning I will be down a total of 2.2 for the week but we will just have to wait and see huh?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Remember Me?

Ok, so I have lost my momentum on this blog thing! I want to blog but I pull the site up and absolutely nothing will come to my mind in order for me to type anything!! Maybe it is because I feel like I'm just repeating myself over and over again.

Well whatever the problem is I'm here now.

William will be 26 in less than a week! I do believe I'm starting to get old! Karah has gotten a new position at work which may mean a raise for her. Karah also work for Mr. B one day out in the cotton fields. Erskin taught her how to run the module builder but she was unable to go back today because it affected her allergies so bad. I feel bad for her, I know she would enjoy that kind of work. Not to mention that Mr. B pays a pretty decent wage.

The WW journey is plodding along. I think I may have a pretty decent loss this week but I guess we will just have to wait until Friday to see. I have had a few bumps in the road over the last little while. Last week I was a bit under the weather and didn't exercise at all. It felt very strange not getting any Activity Points at all! I couldn't look any fruit or veggie in the face last week either so I didn't eat very many at all. I'm back to normal this week and going strong.

Well this will have to do for a start...
