Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Itchy Mess!

I knew that when Travis and I were walking yesterday morning that the mosquitoes were bad.  However, I did not know they were this bad.  I think I have counted close to 25 bites on my arms and legs.  I even have a bite right under my bra line, what is up with that??

I really hope we have some bug spray at home because if we don't I am not real sure I want to brave the mosquitoes tomorrow morning.  They love me so!!

Pastor Bob brought me the camera he is giving to me this morning so I'll try to take pictures of all these bite and post on here later!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

3-Day Expo!

I was really glad that I met Doris at the 3-Day yesterday!  It was good to see her again and we got a better feel for what we will be in for at the 3-Day.  We didn't stay for the whole time so we missed out on the door prizes but I was glad to get back to church in time for choir practice.

The expo was ok but is wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be like.  I guess I was expecting more.  I was able to buy a couple more pair of the Injinji socks that I love to walk in.  They are toe socks and before you go saying....I could never wear those to walk in...that's what I said too.  Doris bought me my first pair and said to just try them.  I did and I loved them, I won't walk long distances in anything else!

Doris and I both wrote a letter of encouragement to ourselves.  I really tried to write it quickly but also from my heart so it will really mean something when I read it in November!

Oh, a little side note....I broke my camera on Saturday right before I started my training walk.  I had to use the camera on my phone on Saturday and this morning.  However, last night at church Pastor Bob and Gary both offered to let me use one of their cameras.  I just now told Pastor Bob that I would love to use his camera, he said he would bring it tomorrow.  Then, being the generous person he is said that he would just give me the camera since mine is broken and it is an extra one anyway.  I just love my church family so much!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again!

I met Matt out at Lions Park at 6:30am this morning.  He walked 3 miles with me and then had to leave to go to the Men' Prayer Breakfast at church.  I continued on and did 2 more miles.  My goal this morning was 6 miles but I can really tell it has been a month and a half since I did any serious walking or any walking for that matter!  I'm happy with the 5 miles and the best part is that my feet did not hurt.  The toes next to my big toes did start to go numb a little bit but not near like they were.

I go back to the podiatrist a week from today and it is going to be so nice to tell her that what we are doing right now seems to be working.  I'm really happy about that because I was not looking forward to cortisone shots!

I am bouncing back from the news about the Susan G. Komen foundation and I'm determined to see this journey to the finish line.  I am really looking forward to the 3-Day Expo tomorrow.  I'm sad that Vivian won't be going with me but I totally understand why she isn't.

I'm glad to be back in training mode and I look forward to 4 miles on Monday, 6 miles on Wednesday, 6 miles on Friday (before the podiatrist appt.) and 8 miles on Saturday!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Heavy Heart

I was presented with an idea yesterday that disturbed me to no end.  So, when I got to work this morning I decided to do some research.  Through a page on facebook I discovered the possibility that the Susan G. Komen foundation supports Planned Parenthood.

With all the research I did today I have discovered this to be a fact.  The Susan G. Komen foundation claims that they audit Planned Parenthood twice a year to make sure that the grant money they give them is used strictly for breast heath education.  But, in my book, if you support Planned Parenthood you support abortion!

I have discovered that 75% of the $2300 I have raised so far is used for breast cancer research but the other 25% is used to support Susan G. Komen's affiliates, such as Planned Parenthood.  I have committed to do this walk so I'm going to do it.  But, when November 7th is finished I will no longer support the Susan G. Komen foundation in any way.

Friday, September 3, 2010

God is Good!

God never ceases to amaze me!  He is so faithful even when I am not!  Right now, as I sit here and type this blog I am only $67.17 away from my goal of $2300 for the 3-Day!  I can't wait to see how far above and beyond my goal God takes me.

I'm meeting with my team mate....the Front Yard Flamingos in the morning.  It has been a long time since we were all together.  It will be good to see those girls.

Vivian and I are still planning on doing a "Bowling for the Cause" or maybe even a "Family Fun for the Cause."  We are still in the process of selling raffle tickets for the afghan too.  Everyone that I've talked to has said there is nothing wrong with using some of the money that is raised, after I reach my goal, to purchase the gear I'm going to need for the 3-Day.  I can't believe that the walk is only 2 months away!