It has come to my attention that the shoes that I have right now may not be the best for my feet. How have I come to this conclusion you ask, well my feet are screaming at me ever training walk I take. I really need to have the proper shoes in order to walk 60 miles in November.
So, to that end....Vivian and I are going to head to Luke's Locker tomorrow. They will access how I walk and tell me the exact shoe I need to be in. Kelli called me earlier this morning to remind me to take the shoes that I am wearing now with me so they can look at how I walk in those as well. They can look at how worn they are and where they are worn to help determine the proper shoes for me. I won't be purchasing these shoes tomorrow because Kay, my dear friend and Pastor's wife wants to buy them for me as a way to support my walk. Golly, I love her!
This week has been a real accomplishment for me on the training walk front. I have walked every morning this week and I will also be walking tomorrow. It has been an easy week walk wise though. This weeks schedule was and is 3 miles on Monday, 5 miles on Wednesday, 4 miles tomorrow and 3 miles on Saturday. Since I walked 2 miles on Tuesday and 1 mile today I'm going to take Saturday off.
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Good for you! I am glad that you are getting something that works for you...after all you will be walking for a while!!
Love you bunches!
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