Saturday, May 16, 2009

Picnic at the Lake!

God's beauty...

Great friends...
What a combination!

Last night was one of those nights right out of a fairy tale. It was perfect, great friends, a cool breeze, the sound of the water lapping up on the shore and fire flies on the way home! When these kinds of evenings happen it is such a blessing....God is so good!
We started out the evening with a toast to our Lord and Savior thanking Him for a perfect end to a perfect day! We ended the evening with Karah catching a fire fly when we got back to our house! It truly was perfect. Thanks girls!

Haddie and Karah take the bravery award! They gushed in the mud and had lots of fun doing it. I was a bit jealous but I really didn't want to get my feet muddy because I was wearing flip flops and I don't usually wear them and they would have rubbed such blisters on my feet had I joined the girls in the mud!

We each wrote our nicknames in the sand...
Viv, Melis, Candi, TRae, Rarah
and Hadassah!
Good times!

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