Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Beginnings, AGAIN!

I think that just maybe my Lord has finally gotten through to my heart! I cannot continue this journey of health and weight loss until I understand how He made me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and He made me in such a way as to know when I need fuel for my body.

This is another new beginning for me but that is ok. I am not going to quit this journey. Quitting is simply not an option. I will learn to feed my body, mind and most importantly my spirit with the good things of God.

Last Friday, May 8th was the start of relearning my bodies hunger and full signals. So far, with the Lord's help, I have not done too badly. Yes, I have had to ask the Lord to forgive me for overeating just a bit but not near like I was! It has been a struggle to eat only when my body tells me it is was such a part of who I was to just eat anytime my flesh wanted me too!

I can't tell you how liberated and free I know that I can eat absolutely anything I want to as long as I'm truly hungry and if and only if I can stop when I'm satisfied! I feel like I have broken free from the chains that have kept me captive to food for so many years!

Now onto my second new beginning....
My sweet Abbs (aka Haddie) has helped me give the blog site a new look so maybe now I will come and blog more often!! I really have a desire to write my thoughts but somehow getting them from my head to the page is more difficult than one would imagine!

1 comment:

HRM said...

Hey! You added more to this...I love it! I hope you do start writing again...I miss it! Love ya lots!