Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yes...I Know it has been over a month!

Wow, time really can slip by so quickly if you let it. Graduation has come and gone and it was fabulous and I would not have changed a thing! VBS has come and gone and it was so much fun. I didn't really want to do the music this year but I'm glad I did, it was a blast! And the kids had fun too!!

I have found my determination again and I'm staying on the narrow road of this WW journey! I am now working on 11 straight days being OP and I am determined to stay OP even though we are going to my Grandma's 85th birthday this weekend. Boy can she cook so it is going to be a real test for me. It is going to be a wonderful weekend because I will get to see a lot of my family that I don't normally get to see.

More that being OP I have been getting in a 30 to 45 minute power walk 5 days a week. I am feeling stronger already. My body is changing and I even had to buy a smaller bra! I am almost at 40 pounds gone, I sitting at 37.4 pounds gone and I couldn't be happier. I do still have a ways to go to get the weight off and I have to rest of my life to eat healthy and get stronger!

I have started an OP chain and so far it looks like this:

W(week)~D(day)~D~D and I'm working on that next D. When I get 4 W that becomes an M. This is a fun way to motivate me to stay OP!


1 comment:

JCsings4Him said...

Hey Tammie!

Great was your Grandma's birthday party??

I am excited for you...all that great activity! You inspire me!