Friday, May 16, 2008

Confused But So Thankful!

I was totally expecting to step on the scale this morning and find that I had gained a pound or two. I have been on such a food bender this week that it isn't even funny. I went right back to my old ways. I was sneaking chips, not drinking any water and eating everything in sight. I refocused Tuesday evening and excepted a challenge of staying OP and getting at least 3 AP a day for the next 21 days. So, Wednesday morning I started and I succeeded on Wednesday and then woke up on Thursday and made it through that day as well. Now mind you Wednesday and Thursday are the only 2 days out of my WW week this week that I was remotely close to being OP.

I get up this morning and I'm praying all the way to the bathroom and the scale. I will accept any amount that I gain because that is what I deserve or I would be really thrilled and grateful to just stay the same. I gingerly step up onto the scale and wait for the number to pop up. I had to do a double take, my weight was 183.8. I had lost 2.4 pounds, I was shocked and amazed. I have been so thankful and praising God ever since. He is more than faithful to me and I am less than faithful to Him. He is amazing and I will continue my journey only with Him by my side.


1 comment:

JCsings4Him said...

I am glad the scale was more than generous for you!! Hope you are having a great week and the next challenge will be an easy one!!

Take care...Joann :~)