Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Break in the Heat!

Kelli, the kids and I left for Colorado on July 27th around 6:30pm.  Our plan was to drive through the night so the kids would sleep.  It was a good plan but boy were Kelli and I both zonked when we got to her parent's house in Monte Vista.

We had a really great visit and the weather was just lusciously cool.  However, I don't remember being as homesick as I was this trip except maybe when I first arrived in Germany when I was 19 years old! It is a strange feeling to be in a house with great people, people that you love and feel totally alone.

We took Justin and Jasmine to the Rodeo while we were there...that makes two rodeos for us within the short time of two weeks!  It was lots of fun but the best part was the parade that Emily marched in with the high school band.  Bianca also rode her horse in the parade too.  It reminded me of when I was in high school and in marching band and "doing" parades.

It rained in the afternoon almost every day that we were there and it got almost cold when the rain rolled in!  One of my favorite things to do was to sit out on the back porch in the swing and just soak in the coolness and the view of the mountains in the distance. 

It is wonderful to visit different place around the country but it is always and for ever will be wonderful to come home!

Getting ready for a long journey!
A belated bithday party for Justin and Jasmine!
Emily in the parade
Bianca in the parade
The view from the swing on the back porch
afternoon rain is a comin!
sink baths and brushing teeth time
riding the 4 wheeler with Bianca
On the road again...going home!

1 comment:

HRM said...

Hey Doll-Face!
So good to see that you had fun and a break from the usual. It's nice to have times like this. I think you missed home so much because you didn't have your family along!

Much love.