Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Already??!!

I am just flabbergasted that it is October already! I love the change in the season and October is one of my favorite times of the year.

The change of the seasons is a good time for new beginnings and I'm ready for one. I have been doing a terrible job on eating right here lately and that has shown up on the scale. I really don't want to be tied to the scale anymore because I don't think it is healthy for me at all. I really need to seek God's face and ask Him what the discipline in my eating will look I go back to Weight Watchers and count points or do I just focus on getting all the healthy stuff in when I'm hungry and not over eat, that is what I need my Father in heaven to reveal to me!

I will not be the size I wanted to be for William and Amy's wedding but maybe that is a good thing too! I get so caught up in my outward appearance that I forget to work on my inward person which it the real me! I tend to forget that I am a beautiful daughter of the Most High God and He is the One who made and I need to be thankful for that. "I am fearfully and wonderful made!"

Yes, I know it is my sin of over eating that has put the extra weight on my wonderfully made body and I will carry consequences of that sin for the rest of my life but I don't have to stay in that sin. With God's help and His strength alone I can overcome the stronghold this sin has over my life....I will not let Satan and this sin defeat me!


HRM said...

Hey Girl!!! I'm glad you are still bloggin'!!! Keep up the good work! I too can't believe it's October but I am in mourning cause it is getting colder outside!!!

HRM said...

Someone needs to totally update on her blog... :)
Thinking of you, darling!