Friday, May 16, 2008

Confused But So Thankful!

I was totally expecting to step on the scale this morning and find that I had gained a pound or two. I have been on such a food bender this week that it isn't even funny. I went right back to my old ways. I was sneaking chips, not drinking any water and eating everything in sight. I refocused Tuesday evening and excepted a challenge of staying OP and getting at least 3 AP a day for the next 21 days. So, Wednesday morning I started and I succeeded on Wednesday and then woke up on Thursday and made it through that day as well. Now mind you Wednesday and Thursday are the only 2 days out of my WW week this week that I was remotely close to being OP.

I get up this morning and I'm praying all the way to the bathroom and the scale. I will accept any amount that I gain because that is what I deserve or I would be really thrilled and grateful to just stay the same. I gingerly step up onto the scale and wait for the number to pop up. I had to do a double take, my weight was 183.8. I had lost 2.4 pounds, I was shocked and amazed. I have been so thankful and praising God ever since. He is more than faithful to me and I am less than faithful to Him. He is amazing and I will continue my journey only with Him by my side.


Monday, May 12, 2008

What a Wonderful Mother's Day!

I had such a wonderful Mother's Day! Karah and Chelsea (the DD of my best friend, Wendy) played hooky from church yesterday! They were preparing a surprise picnic for Wendy, Judy and myself! Their dads were in on it and it was wonderful. Deon and I came home form church and I knew something was up because my truck was gone! Deon told me that we weren't going to go to the Stevens' for the Mother's Day pot luck and that Karah had a surprise. We changed our clothes and headed to the lake! The girls had planned the whole thing and made lunch too. We had chicken salad sandwiches, potato salad, deviled eggs, chips a guac, chocolate chips cookies and key lime pie. They even made homemade lemon aide! It was such a wonderful afternoon!

Then William and Athena came over for the rest of the evening. We had supper and then we had Java Chillers!! Yum yum!

But now it is back to real life and back on track with WW. I didn't journal or track anything yesterday so I don't know where I stand but that is ok. I know I used up all of my weekly flex points so I will just have to stick to my daily points and any Activity points that I accumulate.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Trying to Get Back On Track is Hard!

Prom was a smashing success and I know the kids had a blast. It was really nice to get to enjoy the evening with them this year even is we were "working" the prom. I'm really glad I brought healthy snacks because Deon and I both missed the instructions for ordering supper as did many support staff!

I made it through my niece's graduation last Friday but not before splurging on supper at Johnny Carinos! I have not been able to get myself back on track since then. I don't know what the lack of motivation is all about but I have to snap out of this before I start gaining weight!

We are making progress with the girl's graduation. I have ordered Karah's cap and gown and we have sent out the invitations. That is a big relief! We have another meeting for graduation tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.
